Monday, November 1, 2010
What Christians should do about Halloween
After some time more of jogging I decided I would go home and get the tracts. As I started to jog, I prayed for more courage. This prayer was repeated when I noticed a group of three kids walking around. I had five tracts so I started heading in their direction. They were about to walk into the driveway of a house, when I appeared. "I've got something for you guys" and started handing them a tract each. I noticed the mother was with them and she said "what do you say?" prompting the kids to say thank you. I was quite pleasantly surprised by her support and before I left, I said "hope it scares the hell out of you". One of the kids said "its a comic book!" and I found myself leaping for joy in my heart as I ran off from there! More ideas for next year's Halloween counter-attack sprung to mind as I headed home with my fear turning to adrenaline as I ran.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Last tract today
Thank God, today I was able to give out my last tract. I have been giving out tracts and walking away for all the other tracts so I thought I better talk to the person who receives my last tract. I tried to give out a tract to two people but got rejected twice. After walking around a bit more, I approached a guy around the same age as me. “Hi, can I give you one of these? It’s a Gospel tract.” He looked confused and said “What is this?” “Have you heard about Jesus Christ? This booklet is about that. I don’t want to offend you but can I ask one question? If you were to die tonight, are you sure you are going to heaven?” He said “No, are you sure?” so we had a short conversation before his bus came, and I said “Anyway, have a read”. He assured me that he would read it on the bus and I found out his name is Francisco. Thank God that I was finally able to open my mouth for the Gospel after 30 days!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Youth 180 Friday Night City Tracting
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Will I also be tracted one day?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A game of badminton turns into evangelism
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
For 30in30 in the previous years, I had always chosen the "tract and run" approach. For this year, I have been praying that I can give out the tracts to people I know (eg. colleagues) or those who I often meet or see (eg. on the bus or train) so that I will have the opportunity to follow-up on them. I thank God that for the first three days I had been able to tract the people I often meet.
By Monday, I was 2 tracts behind, but I knew that I would be meeting a few people at the bus-stop. I prayed while walking to the bus-stop and saw one of the ladies who I usually sat next to on the bus to the train station. From previous conversations, I know that she goes to a Catholic church every Sunday. I gave her the tract and told her about 30in30.
After my train stop, I got on the Red Cat and saw one of my colleagues, whom I know is also a Roman Catholic who goes to church every Sunday with his family. When we were walking to the office, I gave him the tract and also told him about 30in30.
I still had Tract #6 to give out and prayed that God will "bring the right person to me". Before I left work, I went to the kitchen to wash my cup. One of my colleagues came in to fill his water bottle and asked how was my weekend. I told him that Sat was a relaxing day and Sunday was church, ie worship, old folks home and sister's fellowship. He then asked me about church as he used to go to a Roman Catholic school and so, knows a bit about the religion. He said that his parents are not religious and he was never baptised. I told him that I have something for him to read and gave him Tract #6. We talked a bit more about Christianity and he told me that he'll read the tract. I'm really thankful that God opened up the opportunity to talk to him. I pray that God will give me courage and opportunities to follow-up with those who have received the tracts.
Monday, September 6, 2010
God uses Gospel Tract in War against Terror
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Tracting turns to fellowship in South Perth
As I handed the tract and about to speak, I realised in front of the couple were Bibles, journals and Christian books! They were a couple doing devotions together! It was so sweet! After sharing a bit, I told them we were doing 30in30. The wife asked me if I would like to hear a story, so I thought sure. Not long into the sharing, I realised she was talking about the man on George Street in Sydney! In my excitement, I told her “I know that story!” But I think she was having so much joy in sharing, she continued to tell me the story anyway. Her husband tried hinting her that she didn’t have to continue, but she did. It was such a blessing to hear her heart rejoice in sharing. :)
The husband asked me which church I attend, I told him Bible-Presbyterian church, his response was “BIBLE-Presbyterian? Your church must really believe in the Bible.” So I shared with him that is true, and I thank God for that, because I used to go to a charismatic church. He then asked me why I changed from a charismatic church to a Presbyterian? I paused for a moment because only a couple of days ago, I was asked this very same question. He noticed my pause and explained to me that he used to go to a Baptist church then to a charismatic and now moved back to a Baptist. I shared with him how God lead me, shared about differences in teaching – that the charismatic were wrong in many aspects of their teaching, and I finished up by talking about worship. The conversation later lead to various things like creation etc, but before I left I had this strange urge to ask him if he was a pastor. Not that he was quoting a lot of verses to me or anything, it was more of his gentle conduct and the impressive hand written journal in front of him. He replied and said that he used to pastor a church up north but recently moved to Perth and now worship in a Baptist church (he’s on a “break”).
I didn’t know this at the time, but later I realised he was pastoring a charismatic church and moved back to Baptist – that’s why he had asked me why I changed. Thank God for the order of things that had just happened. I think if I knew he used to pastor a charismatic church, I would had been reserved in my sharing and not so bold as I was. I guess God knew. I feel quite heavy burden for this couple as I feel there may be some unanswered questions weighing on their hearts, guess this is where I can pray.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Eternity - Smoking or Non-Smoking?
From talking to them I found out that one of them belongs to a brethren church which he hates going because the church 'restricts him from doing things'. The other one said he used to go for (Sunday School) which he enjoyed but wasn't serious about God. I asked if they knew Who Jesus was and why Jesus had to die for sinners. This led to a short sharing of the Gospel. We further talked about the concept of 'eternity', 'value' of a person's soul, the the reality of Hell, and that church attendance does not 'save' a person.
Half way through the conversation, one boy put out his cigarette. He said he knows that smoking is not right, he got into it because of peer pressure. I shared with him that my dad has been a smoker all his life and now he really regrets his decision in taking up smoking all those years ago. My dad wished that he never tried to look 'cool'. The reality is that smoking leads to all sorts of health issues... Plus both of them are underage, they should not be smoking in the first place! I told them that I'm not here to get them into trouble, I only want to tell them about the God Who created them and gave them life. 'You are the bigger person by saying no to peer pressure than someone that just gives in'. They already agreed that their souls are pricesless, so how about the body that they are hurting by smoking if they wouldn't sell their eyes for $50m? I questioned. Did they realise that they are giving away the health which they perceive as precious for free to nobody's benefit?!
Thank God that both boys were very responsive, receptive and courteous. At first, I was afraid that they might joke about me but that never happened. I feared in vain. The boys said that they'll definitely have a read of the 'booklet'. I said our church's address is at the back of the 'booklet' so if they'd like to come for youth group, they know where to find us. Lastly, I shared with them that being a Christian is not about more or less restrictions you adhere to. It is about having a personal relationship with God. If you love God, you will not do the things that grieve God's heart. Do they have a relationship with God? Do they care? I said I'll pray for them and again gently encouraged them that smoking isn't 'cool' but it is quite the opposite.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Prayer Works in Evangelism
When I went to work I automatically felt that I should give it to someone there. Because there weren't many kids that day I was given the opportunity to co-work with this student Suzanne.
I felt the prompting that she would be the one I would give the tract to and this Sept30in30 I really wanted to go beyond just giving a tract and share the gospel verbally with someone. Even though I had talked to Suzanne before I didn't really know her well.
While talking to her I found out that she was an international student from Malaysia. I mentioned to her that I went to church and that there were many international students there. While we were talking I prayed that God would give me an opportunity to be able to give her a tract.
Finally when work finished I knew I wanted to go straight to Koorong rather than going home. However, I decided that I would just see where she lived and ask if she needed a lift home (since I always drop off another student, Adelle [also a Christian] at Curtin Uni) and I knew that Suzanne took the bus home.
Really praise and thank God that I did this. After dropping off Adelle, I was praying that I could speak to Suzanne. As soon as I finished praying Suzanne said "You said you went to church, which one do you go to?" It turns out she knows about BPCWA because she lives near Canning Hwy and sometimes goes to a Catholic church near there. We talked about how Catholicism and Christianity differed and it turned out she didn't believe a lot of what the Catholic church was preaching.
After asking more questions I realised that she wasn't very sure about what Christianity was all about and then proceeded to share the gospel and how one is saved. During that time a window washer guy at the traffic lights on Canning Hwy started washing my car window and thank God I got to tract him.
But even more amazing is that I was able to share the gospel and give a tract to Suzanne and invite her to church. I had no idea how God was going to work and looking back today I can see how amazing He is. Even though I spoke very ineloquently, fumbling with my words, I know that He is able to use anything I said to prick Suzannes heart and also the tract. I know that it is not by my own efforts, or ability but to know that He is the one who gives such opportunities and us the strength to do His will.
Please pray for her that she may come and join us and find true salvation. I started the day with only two tracts not even knowing if I could hand out one, but God had a purpose for exactly those two tracts. Praise God!
September 30in30 has begun..
#4803 @ 12:15 - Friends that care
Gave a tract to Mark, my uni friend.
#7002 @ 15:30 - Looking for a Church
Given to a relatively young believer who was looking for a church named Jo.
#3101 @ 16:34 - Encouraging Christians in Evangelism
Lee Elliott, didn't have any opportunity to give out tracts the whole morning so I emailed my group to ask if they can pray for me. In the afternoon I had an appointment to see the branch manager of CBA. At the end of the appointment, I gave her a tract to which she appeared to be puzzled. I really just felt like walking away but thank God for courage and said to her: "This is a gospel tract. Our church is doing a project where we give out a tract a day in the month of September. You just got the first tract!" She told me that she is actively involved in her church (Maida Vale Baptist Church?) and she is actually the pastor's wife! Her husband and her recently came back from a mission trip and she is greatly encouraged that there are people in Perth evangelizing. We talked a bit more about Evangelism, Chick tracts, and God's glory before she had to go for prayer meeting.
#0101 @ 17:15 - Praying and Tracting
After withdrawing money from atm gave tract to the next girl in line. Also prayed for everyone who are thinking of giving out the tract right now.
Friday, August 20, 2010
September 30in30 for 2010 is starting soon
Come back to this page for updates throughout 30in30.