Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rejection or NOT

(:| yawn Tired .. don't feel like tracting ...
I was in the bus at a :-$ don't tell anyone shh! quiet window seat corner catching up with my Bible reading & not expecting anyone to sit beside me as it was quite late in the morning and the bus was quiet.
:-? thinking Hhhmmm ... a man for some odd reason had motioned to the opposite side of my row, turn subtly to the seat beside me and sat down.
Still putting on my evangelism ignorance spirit (ironically I was digging into my Bible) [-( not talking, I wonder why there were so many empty seats around and he just chose to sit beside me. *Sigh*
*DING DING* off came a sms notificationfrom from my bag! #-o d'oh! Distraction I thought to myself!
Put the Bible aside and reach for my handphone in my bag. It was my Sept30in30 manager doing '@-@ search me his routine weekly sms  to group members and it read:
"Dear brethren and sisters in Christ,how has everyone been? How has your walk been with Christ? Truth being said, it's been a tough walk for me personally but I always remind myself of what Joshua said. 'But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.' (Joshua 24:15b) He has done great things for us, can we do a little for Him each day in our walk of life? Start with a word of prayer, 'Lord, May you sanctify my walk with thee that I may be a useful instrument to my Master.'p.s. Let's gather together this Friday after our fellowship group to spend some time praying to the Lord"
It was a timely reminder. Quickly brush away my ill-manner attitude, cast down all things that I felt heavy at heart and pull a tract off my bag to get ready to tract. :(fight) fight
Rejection came immediately ... =; talk to the hand he reckon he is a RC and we are the same. He doesn't need it.
My heart to reach out to him did not go and so we start conversing. He was on his way back from work to go home in Alexander Hieghts.
Man: "...It's important to enjoy life....I don't think about Heaven and Hell or what happen after death, that's not important...And I don't see the point of people going to church every Sunday so that they can go to Heaven...Jesus is just man who gave the law..." :-/ confused
:-(||> give upDunno how to tackle those statements he raised. It was clear to me at this point that the man is not saved and he needs to take the tract ... asking God to grant me the opporunity and courage to give him the tract again.
Out of the norm, he mentioned about his father's death 4 year ago ... /:) raised eyebrows *OPPORTUNITY* I briefly shared to him about my mum's death late last year and how she has the assurance to go to Heaven O:-) angel before she left us and I know one day I shall go to where my mum is now in ....
I could see my busstop coming into sight and the bus was hold up at the traffic light ... I hold out the tract to him again and told him that I'll pray for him. He accepted it! :) happy
Please pray for Tran, a Vietnamese, working as a translator contractor that he will read the Gospel tract and reject NOT the message.
&gt;:D< big hug Thank God!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tales of Train Tracts in Bangkok

It's a small world when God is at work. Whilst on our honeymoon, we attended the Evangelical Church of Bangkok on Sunday. A lady shared with the church about how she became a Christian after three chance meetings with three different people within 24 hours all proclaiming Jesus as the only God.

Lady shows the tract that she received (Click to Enlarge)

The first happened when she was on the Bangkok underground trains (MRT) where she ran into a former Chulalongkorn University friend. He had become a Christian in recent years and after sharing the gospel, promised "Tonight, I will pray for you". That night, she was at her local gym or something and noticed someone she did not recognise. She had a strange urge to talk to this person and found out that they too believed in God. When asked which God did she believe in, the lady told her about Jesus Christ. The gave her a tract with the sinner's prayer on the back and explained how to become a Christian. Now, the lady was very surprised. Two people within one day telling her about this Jesus.

The next day, she was running late for work and for some reason prayed that she would be able to get to work on time. Straight away, a taxi stopped in front of her so she got in. The taxi driver driving her to work had just come back from Israel and also shared how he had become a Christian as well! So many people in Bangkok and yet, God would lead three of His believers to run into this lady within 24 hours. She was so moved by this that she sought out the pastor at Evangelical Church of Bangkok for some counselling and became a Christian!

Wow, what an encouraging testimony to hear during 30in30 and surely, God wanted this testimony to be shared with all of you as we are challenged to share the gospel more in our life! But that was not the most amazing thing... 

After the Worship service, we met my cousin for lunch and as we were walking to the MRT, we shared with her the testimony that we heard in Church today, quietly hoping that maybe such a coincidence would happen to her to convince her of God's greatness. We got on the train and eventually three seats became available so we sat down. The lady next to us started talking to my cousin and offered her some lollies. I started thinking, "That's a good way to start sharing the gospel with someone, offer something first out of love then offer the Eternal Gift of love". I was moved to pray for my cousin's salvation and that someone  would give her a tract one day.

Straight after my prayer, I noticed that the lady was now fiddling with her bag and then pulled out a little booklet and gave it to my cousin! It was written in Thai but the front cover was in English "Am I a Sinner?" I was so shocked and in awe at how fast God would answer my prayer by getting this lady to have the courage to give out this gospel tract to my cousin!! She started talking more with my cousin as I nudged HL to have a look at what is going on! It was another big encouragement to us that God does work in mighty ways just through the use of a tract offered on a train! Never underestimate the power of God working through each of the gospel tracts you give out! It will probably be part of the answer to someone else's prayer.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Just a thought ... yet it happened!

Tracting yesterday ...
End of work day and I haven't given out any tract ...
Waiting at the bus stop wondering who should I 'target'!
Find it intimidating to tract as more and more ppl crowd the bus stand ...
Thought to myself: If only if someone would speak to me!
Stop at the bus timetable post to check out my bus time and from behind ...
"Which bus go to the bus port?"
Dream 'target' walk up to me to be tracted!
Thank God! :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

God answered prayer within 2 hrs

As usual, God has answered His prayer very specifically in His own way.

This morning before work, i prayed for an opportunity to bring others to Christ today, an opportunity to share the works of God to others. On the way to train, somehow, God has spoke to me in a way I ought to be prepared today to meet such a person like this.

Amazingly, God has not failed and He open the door for me –it’s none other than where my own workplace! My colleague was asking me how’s my weekend is. So i was sharing what i was doing on my weekend that i was spending the afternoon at a cafe reading my bible and a books writing some notes with it. She expressed her interest and asking further question regarding religion as she is from a catholic background.

She was amazed about how i got this religion ethic. I really want to thank God not because it looks good on me but because God has given me an opportunity to share the words of God. Somehow, fear did not get into me just now and i share to her that it will be different if you have a relationship with God. I then share a bit of Gospel to her “indirectly” about what the bible has said, as well as to share a quick testimony how i was raised as a roman catholic background and came to Christ and how God has changed my life since then.

The conversation wasn’t long but i thank God for this opportunity to testify of Him during work. May God continue to receive His Glory He deserve and continue to work in my colleague heart.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Creator creates opportunity to tract

Have seen this guy waiting the same bus as me at the same bus stop almost everyday. Want to reach out to him but he seems so reserved and unapproachable. Saw him walking ahead of me this morning, I just prayed quietly in the heart that God might guide me...Then his bag began to drip brown liqids at the bus stop....his thermal cup containing coffee in the bag was toppled over! I qickely went over to pass some tissue to him (while thanking God inside my heart for the opportunity to approach him). When we have got unto the bus, I gave him a tract.
Thank God for His commpassion on this man and creates the opportunity for him to know the gospel. Praise the LORD!