Friday, September 28, 2012

Chance Encounters Orchestrated by Prayer Answering God

I was standing at the top of the stairs about to go to Grilld when I suddenly thought I might run into someone that I know here. I looked up and I noticed a guy on the phone that looked a lot like my high school friend whom I hadn't seen for years! He waved and I walked over to say hi. We caught up and he talked for a while.

When we were about to part ways, I offered him the tract and told him that it is a booklet about Christianity. He said, "You know my sister and mum are really into Church right?"
"I know and I am sure you will come round one day, David!"
"You just made my mum and my sister very happy!"

Thank God for the amazing "chance" encounter and even God's prompting that I might run into someone, seconds before I did. I was especially thrilled because I'd had a burden to share with this friend for quite a while.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We were having dinner at Pastacup when one guy who didn't look like one of the staff came to our table and asked if we were finished and started clearing the table. I asked if he was the owner, and he said he is the owner's brother. 

His brother is the one that founded the company Pastacup which has about 15 stores around Perth. He talked about how he started the business 10 years ago called Homemade Italian and slowly they developed the brand Pastacup. After talking to him, I offered him a tract and told him it was about Christianity and he was glad to receive it. 

Thank God for the opportunity to give out a tract and to learn how Pastacup came to be! As we go out with Gospel tracts, we never know who God will send our way.

Monday, September 17, 2012

You Might Not Remember Me, But I Remember You

Have you ever had the experience where you did something with someone or met someone but even though you could not remember them, they have a very clear memory of the encounter with you? No matter how much you try to make your "impression" in people's lives, one way to leave an eternal impression is to extend the Gospel message to someone today. One day in Heaven, maybe someone will come up to you and say, you don't remember me, but...

As I was paying for my takeaway at Yuki Japanese restaurant, I asked this young lady who works as a waitress on her lunch shift, "Have I given you this tract?" She said yes, you did. She then started to describe to me that it was an evening when I was there for dinner at the restaurant that I had given it to her. It was unexpected that she could remember that event so vividly. Then I recalled it would have been a few months ago and I remembered that she looked really appreciative when receiving the tract that evening.

She handed the tract back to me. I then asked her, "Did you understand the tract?". She said "Yes, actually I am a Christian" "Which church do you go to?" "My church is ok..." she looked a little unsure...then I continued, "Do you go to a youth group?"

As there was a queue behind me, she had to carry on with serving the next customer. She said softly to me, "Can I have your mobile number?" I said to her of course. I stepped aside, waited for her to hand me the piece of paper that she wanted me to write on. Then, I wrote her name down asking for hers too. In between a few seconds gap before another customer walk up to the counter, she quickly wrote her number down for me too.

God had started the conversation for Tracy and I. Since then I have started to tell her more about our fellowship group and our church. It will be exciting to see where God brings this to!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

God's Hand is Not Shortened

On the way to Murdoch by bus, a guy came up to the bus, and sat beside me. Suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me to give him a gospel tract. Reluctant at first, then I remembered this is not by coincidence I met him today, but by the sovereignty of my God.  I dug my bag for a Chinese tract (I thought he was from China, with the clothes he's wearing, and the way he holds his bag, and how he was continually checking his surrounding, and most of all he was reading a Chinese book besides me).  

To my dismay, I can't find any Chinese tract in my bag, most probably ran out of it. It came to my head then, "Is this God's way of telling me I shouldn't give him a tract?" But it can't be, because John 3:16 said "whosoever believeth in Him" and Matthew 28:19 said "teach all nations" said it so obviously. 

I prayed in my heart and determined to give him a tract, an English tract, and I gave him a tract, asking him in Chinese if he had ever received one before. To my BIG surprise, he responded in English, perhaps not hearing properly what I just said. Thank God I managed to explain that this is a gospel tract, and he received it. Oh how I should never judge a book by its cover! This Great Commission is to ALL Christians to share the gospel to EVERYONE. Truly, in God, nothing is impossible!

Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: 

September 30in30 on Facebook

Some people may not realize, but there is a September 30in30 Facebook page with even more updates as the outreach progresses. Even if you are not on Facebook, you can see updates that have been posted on the 30in30 Facebook page. Click on the image above to take you to the 30in30 Facebook page or click here.

Friday, September 7, 2012

With God the World is Small

The story begins in March 2012.....Evelyn has been a recent friend whom I have met through a stranger sitting next to us at Kings Park, Zamia cafe a few months ago. Thinking back, I am always in awe seeing how God works. Evelyn would have been that stranger's friend's nephew's wife!

This stranger (Auntie Emily), also a friend of my mother in law now, brought Evelyn's auntie along when we met up again a week later (since Zamia cafe) at Coffee Club in Karrinyup Shopping centre. Very quickly, Evelyn's auntie was excited to find out that Evelyn (which I have not met yet at that time) and I live in the same suburb. She had asked for my contact number and wrote Evelyn's number down for me.

Since that day, Evelyn and I have started contacting each other. By God's leading, Evelyn and I went from not knowing each other to being friends.  During our first meet up, as we had not seen each other before, all we knew was that both of us will be appearing with prams. Since that first contact, it has been a burden in my heart to hand her a tract and talk to her more about the gospel.

God provided the opportunity and paved the way. Today, in our second get together, I decided to pass this tract to her and share with her my testimony of how God has been my strength and portion...our common link was young I shared with her how hard it would have been if I was without God, my Guide in child rearing. The conversation went on and as we get to know each other more over a cup of coffee with our 2 sleeping kids, God had provided a perfect time for us to talk.

I am personally amazed again and again as how God works wonders that I may gaze with my eyes and experience with my life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Honesty the Best Policy

Shop owner. Bought some things from there a week ago. I didn't realise this at the time, but the owner accidentally gave me more of what I bought than I had asked for. I went back today to pay for the extra item but the owner refused to take my money as reward for honesty. 

Thank God this confusion turned into opportunity to hand out a tract. - 5:15pm 

Twice From One Church

Meet a girl working at Kikki and for some reason she recognised me, so I tract her and she told me that she has received the same tract from her neighbour Millie Ho! Both of them live in Applecross... had a chat with her and found out that she is a Christian and I invited her to our church. Pray that these two encounters would encourage her to also evangelize to others. - 1:40pm today

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Same Gospel Tract 4 Years Later

This tract was originally intended to be given to a young man who was refilling fruits at the Woolworths, Garden City fruit and vegetable section. There was no price label for the kiwi, so I asked him. A few seconds later, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to give him a tract. I asked, "Have you received this tract before?"

He took it off my hands, flipped it through the first few pages of the tract and said yes, I have read this before. I asked, "when was this?" "4 years ago", he said without thinking too hard.

I found out he was given one then at the Livingston, Canning Vale Woolworths where he was working then. (It must have made an impact to him, I thought to myself). I continued, "What did you think of it?" "Its not my kinda thing," he said. He handed the tract back to me at this point of time. "This is the truth," I said. That is why I am giving this tract to you today and you are given it for a second time. God is reminding you about this truth, which will really happen. I hope one day soon you will be able to understand God's truth. Please pray for this lost soul. I will continue to pray for him.

I then gave the tract to his colleague at the check out. She received it gladly. - 1pm @ Garden City

Iron Sharpeneth Iron..

Monday, September 3, 2012

Lost and Raining Isn't Always Bad

I was parked by the roadside in my car and was looking up directions to go to someone's house. It was raining heavily and dark and a Chinese man dressed in a suit knocked on my passenger window and asked if he could
 have a lift to Bullcreek Hawkers because he was lost and it was pouring. I drove him there and gave him a tract as he left. His name is Uncle Soo. Thank God for the opportunity. - 18:15 at