Tuesday, October 18, 2005

30in30 Annual Gospel Outreach begins

It all started in 2005...

"Have you received one of these"

This was the catch phrase that seemed to echo all over Perth during the month of September 2005. In our Church’s biggest effort to evangelise, 75 people committed to giving out 30 tracts in the 30 days of September. All up, the managers of 30in30 were able to account for 1,690 tracts given out to people all around Perth (and Melbourne/Sydney – thanks to Trina), with many more tracts given out but not logged. In Singapore, our sister Cherie led Moriah BP Church’s youth in the September 30in30. Thank God that they were able to give out 301 tracts

The purpose behind the 30in30 was to make evangelism a lifestyle. Many of us realized that in our daily walk, we neglected our calling to make disciples of all nations. It has been amazing to see the effect that 30in30 has had on many brothers and sisters. How many really came to Christ may only be known when we one day see Jesus face to face as most tracts that were given out were received by strangers – art store owners, uni students, construction workers, Aborigines, African Americans, hairdressers, pensioners and kids.

Lessons on prayer were learnt as participants increased their prayers for God’s providence and guidance. As a result, many found themselves in places that they never thought they would be, catching the “wrong bus” or talking to people they never thought they ever would. God was showing us that He is not slack as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.

Some testimonies that emerged during the 30 days included:
• A Christian shop owner was so encouraged that he asked for more tracts to put outside his shop.
• A friend who was offered a tract ended up sharing that she just had a dream of going to hell.
• Tracts being offered to people who had just read the same tract from one of their friends/colleagues recently (happened more than twice!)

September 30in30 was not just about how many tracts we were able to give out. More importantly, participants realized that God gives us many opportunities to witness each day and we subconsciously make the decision not to witness, firstly by not carrying tracts. Jesus said in John 7:38,

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

If we DO believe in Him, rivers of living water must flow from us – the gospel has to be preached. Spurgeon said, “have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that.” September 30in30 helped many of us to repair our blocked vessels and cultivate a habit of evangelism. In the feedback forms, many came to realize that they had been ignoring many opportunities each day to share their faith. The organizers of 30in30 pray that the spirit of 30in30 will continue in each participant’s life. We pray the same prayer that your Lord and Saviour prays, that wherever you go, be it dim sum, shopping, friends house, sports or work, you will always have a gospel tract in your pocket and a willing arm to extend it. Next time if you find yourself being held up in the shopping line, rather than getting frustrated, ask God why and before you know it, you will be reaching for a tract and offering it to the person behind you – “Have you received one of these?”