Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 30in30 Testimony from Singapore from 2007

The Man which God prepared for me -shared by Brother Sean Loo

I met him at Lakeside MRT Station, the most unexpected place for all to happen

I told myself that giving out tracts without explaining the intent is always easy. After all, how tough can it be to just pass the tract to someone as you can quickly make a quick exit without getting out of our comfort zone – to evangelise the gospel.

During one of the days in my first 30in30 (Sept 2007), I was thinking how I should give away the tract-of-the-day at nearly 11pm at night while I travelled back on train towards Lakeside MRT. That was one of those days where my ‘shy’ mood kicked in and I was thinking of just giving the tract on the next day instead. But as I exited the gantry, I prayed to God, asking Him to show me the person to give to if it was His will. But in my heart, I was hoping for God not to show me the person so that I can end my day in peace.

Near the exit of Lakeside MRT, I saw this guy sitting there on his own, a rather not-so-friendly type. Somehow, this Voice in me prompted me to just go to him and pass him this tract. I told myself if he seemed interested, then I will take it as a signal to continue sharing the full gospel to him.

I started initiating some friendly start-up lines and introduced the tract to him and who I was. Thank God that he was waiting for company transport for work. So I knew I had the time and thus I continued sharing. His interest in the gospel kept me going and I shared the entire gospel with him! Though he was not ready to accept our Saviour, I could see the interest that he had. I got his contact and invited him to our church.

For the next few weeks, he did come to our church and there were opportunities for him to listen to the Word of God from the pulpit. There were some following up on him and he even brought his other friend. Being a Malaysian who needed to work on weekends, his attendance became more irregular later on. This was worsened when he moved to a place further away. Therefore currently, he is not coming to our church but I still thanked God for this opportunity. While I am not the final piece of bread to make him full and for him to accept Christ, I did bring him closer to believing. Please do join me in prayers for him – Ah Chor, and pray that God will move him again in another part of this country to realise the need to get salvation.

So my dear YFers, you will not know what to expect from this 30in30 exercise. How God will use you is beyond your imaginations. There were also another few accounts of excellent sharing at Lakeside MRT, which did become my favourite ‘fishing’ site for this exercise. However, I believe the toughest decision for you at times will be whether to ‘share or not to share’ after you pass him/her the tract. If possible, I urge you to share. Once you step out of your comfort zone, God will lead you through the entire process. Don’t just simply pass a tract to someone out of obligations but look beyond and see that you are the messenger from God to deliver the Good News. Be strong and of good courage YFers! God reassured us that He will be with us in all circumstances, especially so if we are doing His work.

“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9