Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Great Commission Continues

Thank God for another September 30in30 but the objective is not accomplished until we make evangelism part of our daily life. We are ambassadors for Christ until our final breath. Here's a testimony from one of this year's participants recorded in the log book.

This September 30in30 has been a means of building up my faith and some experience in evangelism.
Truly we see how weak the flesh is and how it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can stand up against the pressures of this world.

We see how hardened the hearts of men are that none seeketh after God, no not one, and that it is a work of grace that any man is willing to take a tract.

We see the depravity of many who reject Christ time and time again and who harden themselves for destruction.

We see the darts of the Devil thrown against us through men who do his evil desires for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We see God's hand at work in the many opportunities and the providential work of God. The reality of this darkened world and of eternal things to come are presented to us in a new light as we see fools who say there is no God and those who are workers of every iniquity.

We are not dismayed at the insults and accusations heaped on us but rejoice and count it all glory that we should be partakers of the sufferings of Christ Who was willing to endure far more for our sakes.
Going out and obeying the Great Commission requires clean hands and a pure heart for how can God use unclean vessels for His work and to His glory?

Sept 30in30 should be a lifestyle: 365in365 every day that we remain on earth to witness for Christ.
May God bless those tracts given to be used of His Holy Spirit to convict the hearts of men and may the Scriptures in the tracts fulfil their purpose to make men wise unto salvation.

May God place in us a heart to continue his work, undaunted, pure, dependent upon His Holy Spirit fearing no man but having a ready answer for our faith to His glory and the extension of His kingdom which will last forever and ever for all eternity.

All praise be to God for counting me worthy to be reproached for the glorious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Who I hope and pray will say to me on that Last Day "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"

Soli Deo Gloria