Saturday, September 15, 2007


So there are 2 toilets in my appartment. And the other toilet's water pipe from the wall (no yucky stuff) started leaking a few months ago so I stopped using it. Now my grandparents are coming back for a holiday this Saturday night. The toilet needs to be fixed.
Now you're probably thinking....I'm a bit thirsty now.. ahha kidding. You're probably wanting me to get to the point. and I will.
So I started fixing the toilet earlier this week. I've been researching online, trying to deduce what the problem might be, going to Bunnings, asking for their advice and buy some parts, come back, try to fix it and it doesn't work. Next day, try a different idea, buy a differnt part, try again. So I've been to Bunnings pretty much every day this week. At first I thought, this is the 'bad' thing I've been waiting for. Now is my chance to thank God whether he sends me 'good' or 'bad'. Actually, its a blessing. I've been tracting to the Bunnings people everyday! haha I thanked God for sending me this trouble in disguise. So I fixed the leaking pipe yesterday!
Now...the tap which controls that pipe has started leaking!!! Back to Bunnings I go...
God has gives these problems because He loves us and wants us to learn something from it. I learnt that God gives you opportunities to share your faith in the strangest ways that you would never think of. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and glorify God. =D

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