Saturday, September 29, 2007

Faith Even on a Rainy Day

The story begins on Tuesday when out of the corner of my eye (squished up against the door), I saw a little white figure sitting (comfortably) on the crowded 78 bus and that was that… Or so I thought!

The original plan was to catch the CAT (bus), go to the bank, and head home for lunch/dinner. So as soon as the bus stopped at the Esplanade, I hopped off (being next to the door) and started to walk away. Then I felt something in my hand, it was tract number 25. My initial thought was “I wonder who I’ll come across today” but almost instantly the little white figure appeared back in mind. “That’s it!” I thought, heading back to the bus while practicing the art dodging people and their heavy bags. My only advice is to please avoid going against the flow of the crowd when possible :)

As soon as I spotted Shirley, I (blocked her way) asked her how she’s been then gave her the tract. As the conversation progressed from human well-being, she asked “what’s this?” “it’s a gospel tract” I replied. “oh really?” came the next response before telling me her recent attendance in some charismatic youth events. It turned out her mum met the pastor of J-Life while learning English, and he invited her children to come along to the Road Trip they’d organized.

At that point my joy just flooded. “Really? Serious?” was what I kept repeating. I said to her that I didn’t think she’d be interested but she was very positive. Thus a formal invitation to yout180 was “handed out”, to which she promised to read the tract and consider attending! Praise the Lord!

Another cousin whom I’ve not seen in almost 5 years is coming to Perth. No prize for guessing that his arrival time is the morning of September 30th!
Yup, just in time for Track number 30! Right now it’s got his name written all over it and a big invisible “RESERVED” sign.

At the start of Sept 30in30, I would not have dreamt of the chance to reach out to family. The Lord in His grace and utmost wisdom made the impossible possible. I remember heading out for lunch with my family for dim sum 3 weeks ago but as I didn’t bring my handbag, I ask mummy dearest to hold onto
2 tracts. Apparently they are still in her bag. The next step is to persuade her into a bag spring-clean and “accidentally” find the tracts :)

I’m truly in awe of God’s graceful arrangements,

“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,” Ephesians 1: 5

Salvation is God’s work and its by the grace that God freely gives. I’m almost in tears thinking what a precious opportunity the coming of my cousins turns out to be. With the Great Commission comes great responsibility, I pray that God will give my brother and I the wisdom to share the gospel with him (esp. some translation into Chinese which will be necessary). There is no denial that God makes all thing beautiful in His time.



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