Friday, September 7, 2007

I am a Little Trigger Happy

I experience the Power of Prayer this week. Our Lord God truly replies in extraordinary ways that touch and encourage us beyond our wildest imagination. Now I fully understand when God says "no", "yes" or "wait". It is not what we ask for. It is HOW we ask- with a willing heart.

Last Friday I shared with Regeneration about a surprising chat I had with Paul, a worker at Red Castle Hotel (where I help my ex-boss). I had been avoiding him for quite some time as I told myself not to associate with "undesirable characters". As Sep30in30 drew nearer, Renz and I wondered if we would end up giving Paul a tract. I thought 'why not', but decided to take the "chicken" way out, by handing it to an easier target, Tania, Paul's girlfriend. Well, the Lord knows my heart and taught me to face my fear by creating opportunities I cannot, and dare not, turn my back on.

Thank God for all your prayers, because Paul was the recipient of Tract 2402 on Monday.

Then God showed me more than facing my fear. He taught me trust and listen to Him.

As I was leaving Red Castle (after handing a tract to Paul), I saw Robert, another Red Castle worker whom I had also been avoiding. We waved at each other, and it struck me that I should give him a tract. Being reminded of the "quick-draw" message shared by Adrian during the Saturday breakfast, I did a quick u-turn, stopped Robert in his track, rolled down my window and put Tract 2402 on the pizza box he was carrying. Thank God I listened to him and trusted him enough not to drive on home!

The next day, Paul came to thank me in front of Mrs Wee (the Boss: self confessed blind-faith Catholic) for the booklet. Mrs Wee asked "what booklet?" I had toyed with the idea of giving Mrs Wee a tract, but never thought it would happen. Well, God turns ideas into reality. So having had my practice with the "quick draw" method, I said, "Well… here" and handed her Tract 2404.

I had to maintain my composure but what I really wanted to do that day was to jump up and down, screaming "WooHoo!!! Praise God!!"

God has not stopped answering my prayers since I learn to ask with an honest and willing heart. Today, Friday 07 Sept, God answered my prayer 4-fold. All I asked was to be given a chance to give 1 tract (to make up for the last 2 days) and more if He would use me to. Praise God for helping me hand out 4 tracts. Please pray for all of them.

I have to admit that I still feel fear, but I learn that the less I think, the less I fear. So my dear brothers and sisters, each time the devil tries to stop you with fear and discouraging thoughts, hold a tract in your hand and "Quick-Draw"!!

(Don't bother aiming, just shoot because God will do the aiming for you. Yes I am trigger happy now.)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so encouraging! Thanks for sharing.