Wednesday, November 5, 2008

night is coming..

Today I was walking back from lunch and there were all these people gathered looking over the bridge from the train station to the gallery. So I looked over and there was a man sprawled on the pavement with his eyes wide open, paramedics pumping his heart to try to get it started again.
I asked someone what happened and he said the man had jumped...

After that I just kept thinking, I wonder if he's saved? I wonder if he knows that someone cares? I wonder if he knows someone loved him so much that they came and died for him? not so that he'd have death...but life and life to the full.

I was talking to a colleague who was saying suicide is common and it's strange coz it's something i've been thinking about n thinking how there ARE so many people out there who think like that. How they have no hope. No real hope.
And it really dawned on me how short life is. How little time we have to share n how people who we think we might be able to share with in 'our own time' might not be around to hear it...

I can't say it was the most uplifting experience..but it really put things into perspective..n was a really good reminder that there's such great need.
The best thing about it though is..we CAN do something about it. Coz we've been blessed with the privilege of being able to present them with a message of hope..

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

- John 9:4

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