Tuesday, October 10, 2017

No prayer no power

Although doing Sept 30 in 30 this year is not my first time, as Aug ended, to be honest, I was quite nervous (again) about Sept 30 in 30.
"God equip me and help me to love You and love who You love, the lost souls"...I prayed.
When the Sept month approached, this time I have decided to give one tract to each person and pray for that person rather than "rushing it out". Many of the tracts that were given away were to strangers and I did not want to forget about how they look like, what they were doing at the time I meet them and what we were talking about. I wanted to be able to depend on God in prayer each time I give out a tract to that one person. First week went passed quite smoothly. I was enthusiastic and prayed faithfully as I go. Second week approached, I began to be busier with other commitments of the week, I prayed less for each person and for my own personal 30 in 30 outreach, God gave me a really strong wake up call, a blunt rejection.
I remembered last year, I had given it to her, she took it. We have been chatting quite often everytime I am there. This year, when I decided to give it to her again, she rejected me with a crude comment...I was actually in a bit of a shock...She said to me, "Do not give me that again. Someone else was trying to give me one of these. We received some last week and we had to clear them off at the end of the day (extra work for them before they close off for the day)". I said to her, "Oh...this is very important to read. She replied bluntly, "It is important to you but not important to me! So, do not give it to me again"
God guided me to pray for her that day. God also reminded me that I needed to depend on Him everyday to do His work. "No prayer, no power." I did not use to understand this saying (Quoted by one of our mature leaders), then I realise the words that God placed in my heart that day. I needed to depend on God in prayer to do His work and His Will. His Work is Spiritual work, how can I approach it with my own carnal strength!? Of course no "power!". God is the One who will enable (empower) us, His servants to do His Work, for His glory and purpose.
From then I continue to pray earnestly, and in humility, committing each person God placed in my life for the rest of that month of September, 2017. I continue to keep tracts in my bag and car, with a prayerful heart seek for the opportunity that God gives each day.
It is indeed my blessing and privilege to be able to serve my Almighty Creator King, Thrice Holy God.
"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11

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