Monday, September 3, 2007

Adventure in Water

Hi all,

For those of you who dont know me, I am the cousin of
Selina, Kenny and Heng Lee. I have been invited to
share my testimony with you guys about my near death,
drowning experience. Here's how the story goes!

On the 25th of Aug @ 730pm as my bros' and sis' of
both our cell groups were heading to the water
village, the unimaginable happened. Our boat capsized!

"I can't swim!" yelled Soan. Before we could all react
to the water splashing in, we were in the water
already. It was really dark and I couldn't see
anything. We were all struggling to grab onto
something or someone. I just felt heavy pushing me
into the water and I tried to splatter my feet, hoping
to rise above the water, it worked for awhile but
before long, I was back in the water again. In my
heart, I could only called out to the Lord, "Lord,
please save us! I don't wanna die! Not yet! I still
have my 30 in 30 to do! Please Lord, Please! Then
there was total darkness....I think I passed out for
awhile cos I don't remember till this day when the
marines arrived.

Suddenly, I felt someone pulling my right hand from
above the water and that's when i regained
consciousness. I remember seeing a stalky young man
dressed in navy blue uniform. He was my hero! "Are you
ok? Can you climb onto the boat?" he asked!

As I climbed up the boat, I could see the rest of the
guys, on other boats. Thank God that all 13 of us

I can tell you that it was no short of a miracle that
my bros & sis' and I are alive today! I am truly
grateful to God for his mercies and his grace and am
very sure that God was the one who alerted the
marines. If it wasn't for HIM, I don't think I would
be typing this right now. You could say that I was
given a second chance in life.
When I think about the incident, I still get goose
bumps; just imagine, if something had happened to one
of us, what if I had died, then the people wouldn't be
visiting me at the hospital but I would be lying in a
casket! And I wouldn't be able to tell how God saved

Through this incident, God showed me that:
HE is faithful – he heard our cry for help and he did
not leave us or forsake us.

Life is fragile – in those 5 to 10 mins, if the
marines' had not showed up, I think I would be in
paradise by now. So, cherish your life!

HE is indeed Emmanuel – even though sometimes we don't
feel HIS presence doesn't mean that HE's not present,
but HE is and HE will always be there for us, no
matter what!

In HIS time – God has a time for everything in our
lives. You know how sometimes you pray and pray and
you don't get an immediate answer and you doubt if
HE's actually listening; I have learnt that it is true
that HE has always 3 answers to prayer – YES, NO, or
Of course, in our case, he responded really quickly!
When I was in the water and I asked HIM to save us –
that was the shortest prayer I have ever said in my
life and the quickest one that God answered!
One more question that we can meditate on, if you were
to die today and when you stand in front of the Lord
and he asked you, "What have you done for me when you
were on earth?" What would your answer be?
God bless!
Nicole aka "the lady who almost drowned in the Brunei
River!(that's what the doctors referred to me as in
the hospital)"

NiCoLe @ Yek Lu


Jason Tey said...

Nicole, Thank God you're okay, what a wonderful testament to God's love and care for you. Now 30in30 takes on quite a different meaning and commitment. God bless!

Isaiah 43:11-12 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.

small steps to glory said...

Thanks for sharing that :)

May God continue to move in the land of Brunei!