Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Some stories from 30in30 2006

New Believers
(On 7/9/06 Aaron got the tract and he has had 4 accidents this year! I gave him a tract and shared the Gospel with him also. Please pray for him). And Thank God Aaron Foster accepted Christ as his personal saviour. . – BP2708

A Guy(Benjamin) met in IGA who asked if he can come to visit the church one day. He got the contacts of our church, my hp no. and I got his no. too. Pray for him as he seems very sincere in wanting to come to pay a visit. Thank GOD he receive CHRIST the next day on Sunday (24/9/06) when he came to church. – BP5522

Prayer Requests
She (Gal) used to receive the tract and lost it. She was happy to receive it again – BP5517

Assurance of salvation for a child of God
Met Nathalie in the library, she was sleeping beside me. Prayed to God to help me share with her when she wakes up. Thank God for the opportunity to give her the tract and share with her when she woke up. She says she is a christian but unsure of her salvation. Invited her to come to church and thank God she came on Friday. Was able to assure her of her salvation. Pray that she will continue to grow in the Lord and desire to know him more each day. (NATALIE – Came to Church on 24/9/06) - BP2525

I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I tried to hand her a tract but I only manage to say 'Have you …' she rejected me again. Not finishing my 'Have you got this before?' I read the tract in front of her as she plug the ear pieces into her year to listen to the MP3 prayer. As I was about to leave the bus, I drop the tract intentionally on the seat praying that she would take it before she leaves the bus. BP3421

The people we meet..
Workman on lunch break cooking up some lamp chops on the bbq. Bo was brought up in a Christian family but does not fully believe in the Bible. He said he is trying to be a better person for all the wrong he has done. Believes that there is a third destination - here. Had bad experiences - eg. Had a gun held to his head! – BP3118

That morning, I feel that I was touched by The Holy Spirit. First I prayed before I left for school. I saw an old man jogging, I stopped him and gave him this tract. He said "thank you" after receiving the tract. I prayed that he may read and understand it. – BP0414

The Lord is not slack as some men count slackness (2 Peter 3:9)
Korean shop keeper at mini mart. He said to me, you have given it to me last year, remember? I suddenly remembered! He took the tract and looked at it again, he said again, he’s received the same tract three times this year! Someone else had given to him during these couple of weeks. I asked if he had read it, he said Yes...I told him GOD is telling you something. He said thanks and smiled. I prayed for his soul there and then asking God to lead him to salvation. – BP0723

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