Thursday, August 9, 2007

Does it concern you?

“I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" – Isaiah 6:8a

Why Evangelise?
Did you know that in the world, only 2% of Christians actively share their faith regularly? That means 98% are in the daily habit of ignoring God’s promptings to share the Gospel with those souls that they come across. This is probably because we are too busy, or we don't think God is real or we doubt our own salvation. However, many of us sincerely want to see souls saved – but we find it quite hard to form a habit of sharing our faith. This is why we began and now, other Churches join us in organising September 30in30.

What is September 30in30?
The aim of 30in30 is to encourage obedience to God in the Great Commission. Each participant is encouraged not just to give out a tract, but to pray for the people they encounter. Since we know that God is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9), we know that every time we give out a tract prayerfully, it is GOD, not luck, which leads us to each person, and them to you.
Each participant is given a "starter pack" with 30 tracts to give out, one a day, for the 30 days of September. To help them along the way, each person is put in a group which will help encourage each other throughout the 30 days. Like all forms of discipleship, we are more effective when we involve other brothers and sisters in Christ. Each time a participant gives out a tract, they are encouraged to record the details of where and when the tract was given out, as well as pray for the person who received the tract. At the end of each week, participants submit the details of the tracts they gave out, to their group leaders for recording and accountability.

September 30in30 is not just an opportunity to share the gospel. It is also one month in which you can experience how God works through the obedience of His children to His word. Every spiritual discipline requires repetition and sometimes what seems like “routine”. While there may be other ways to reach the lost, September 30in30 is one way God may help you to develop a pattern of obedience to the Gospel. In September 2006, two thousand and sixty six (2,066) people in Perth received tracts during September 30in30. In 2007, the Great Commission remains the same as it was two thousand years ago. Will you help reach another thirty people? “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” – Isaiah 6:8

More details online

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