Tuesday, October 21, 2008

manna evangelism

Post 30in30, I have made an effort to carry tracts with me in my handbag - now when I shop for a bag, one of the requirements is a 'tract compartment' :D. However, I still chickened out of giving tracts or sharing the Gospel with people I knew or came across regularly (e.g. people who catch the same bus).

On Friday, during the 30in30 briefing, I heard a testimony from a sister that really convicted my heart. You can read the testimony (kinda sorta what what was shared on Friday night) here. She talked about how in previous years during 30in30, she would 'tract and run' and would only choose to give tracts to people she didn't know or didn't have regular contact with (sounds familiar huh?) - and how this year, she made it a point to tract people she knew.

On Sunday, a few of us watched The Way Of The Master (evangelism video series) and again, I felt convicted that during the two years of working at my work, I had only shared the gospel with a small handful of my unsaved colleagues. Even during 30in30, as I was part of the Gospel Rally Skit Team, and had been rehearsing the skit in the weeks leading up to the Gospel Rally, I had Steven and Yorkie's voices in my head who spoke and sung this poem:

My Friend, I stand in Judgement now,
and feel that you're to blame somehow.
On earth, I walked with you day by day,
and never did you point the way.

You knew the Lord in truth and glory,
but never did you tell the story.
My knowledge then was very dim;
you could have led me safe to Him.

Though we lived together on the earth,
you never told me of the second birth,
and now I stand this day condemned,
because you failed to mention Him.

You taught me many things, that's true,
I called you friend and trusted you,
But I learn now that its too late,
you could have kept me from this fate.

We walked by day and talked by night,
and yet you showed me not the Light.
You let me live, and love,
and die you knew Id never live on high.

Yes, I called you a friend in life,
and trusted you through joy and strife.
And yet on coming to the end,
I cannot, now, call you my friend.

But even after all that prompting, I still refused to open my mouth for God and bring up the gospel with my friends. I had no problem talking to strangers at Street Evangelism, or giving tracts to randoms - but talking to someone I knew? No way Hose!Though I really really really wanted to share with them, thee fear of man had such a grip on me that I felt overwhelmed with thoughts of what people would think about me, and hence, just kept my mouth shut. So I guess God decided if I wasn't going to make opportunities, He would give me one - which is what happened this afternoon.

I was walking to the train station with one of the girls from work and she started telling me that she ran into a friend who had recently started going to church. I can't remember everything that was said, but she told me that she had been thinking about going with that friend to church. The opportunity landed into my lap like manna from heaven! I ended up sharing the gospel with her as we walked and she listened receptively. I felt a bit breathless as I was walking and talking, because I was still very nervous about evangelising to someone I knew, but the words were still able to flow out relatively smoothly.

As we got to the train station and started waiting for our trains on the platform, she asked

'So, do you believe that there is something after we die?'
'Yeah I do. The Bible says that there is Heaven and Hell. Those who believe in Jesus and believe that He saved them from their sins, will go to Heaven'
'So those who don't will go to Hell?'
'Will it be hot down there? Should I pack my sunscreen? (hehe this friend is a bit of a joker) I think I might go with my friend to church'
*My train arrives*
'Cool. But if you want to talk more about this, let me know OK?'
'OK.. See ya!'

God is good. The opportunity just came so unexpectedly which is why I named this post 'manna evangelism'. That little experience made me so happy. As I was talking to her, I couldn't help but think that God had given me the opportunity to witness to my friend, not only for her sake, but for mine as well. It may seem like a small thing to you as you read this, but I believe it was a turning point for me. I just pray that I will be able to have more opportunities to do the same with the rest of my friends too, and that God will continue to give me the courage to open my mouth for Him.

Friday, October 3, 2008

every single thing..

Hey all.
Know this is kinda 'post30in30' but I started late...
coz I'd realised I'd developed a habit of 'tract-n-run' n was using tracts as an excuse to tell myself i'd 'done-my-bit', or even with sharing the gospel n realised after that I'd just run as far as I could, instead of sticking around for opportunities to share about God. So when 30in30 came around I was trying to figure out why I was so reluctant, n then I realised.... I'd forgotten how to love.
So Truc invites me to ur bbq thing and I turn up n realise... u guy's know what it's all supposed to be about,love.
And I meant to say ages ago, that I've been sososososooo encouraged by you all. So yeah, thanks for reminding me :)

So just now...
I was intending to go home early after work coz of family stuff but then my colleagues headed into town so I went in with them and then they kept insisting I join them for dinner n a movie, which I was very tempted to do but then thought....I really should head home.
So I was thinking I hadn't given a tract out today but was figuring that something would come up since I'd go take the bus.
Usually when taking public transport there are heaaaaaps of opportunities but I saw another guy who I'd met at the bus stop before but I missed that bus and so had to take the train. Usually I try and make eye contact with ppl n say hi when I sit down near them to try and initiate conversation but when I got on the train, the ppl I sat next to didn't seem to keen to talk so I left it. Then when I was waiting for the bus at the train station, no eye contact. So I was rather stumped and was wondering if maybe it just wasn't the right timing or something and was thinking I shouldn't try and push it myself. I said a prayer asking the Spirit to guide me and for God to give me an opportunity if He wanted me to do something.
Then the girl who was sitting on the bench leans over and asks me the time. So we start talking and it turns out she's heading to the same suburb, same stop as me and she's going to the same school I used to.
I introduce myself saying, 'by the way, I'm Katie' and she goes....'me too'!
She asks me what I'm up to now, (just graduated from architecture, working now) and then says her sis is doing archi...
and it turns out i know her sis! who went to Churchlands too and was in my brother's year...
and i hardly see her but I'm meeting her for dinner tmr coz she's friends with my colleagues (one of which I tracted with this girl's sis last year)!
so she mentioned her friend might not be home and she might have to wait around for her... so i gave her the tract to read if she was waiting...

so there goes God teaching me again that every single little thing is in His hands!


some of the other things that've happened so far...
- first met this girl when i did work exp with her firm, she stopped after the 1st degree n said she'd do the 2nd one day. when she came back to uni i didn't see her much but tracted her and another girl (the train station girl's sis) when i bumped into her when i went to uni just to collect stuff after i'd graduated. tracted her again this year with a diff tract. met with a couple of other grads in the city to pray and she came along and was very grateful!
- was thinking how absent-minded i am when i read adrian's email about not forgetting tracts the night before and then realising i'd forgotten to refill. had been praying for opps to share with another colleague but thought i wouldn't be alone with her. the other girl left and got the opp to share about the accident and the gospel!
- an ex-colleague n i had a convo about faith just before he left n told him how i didn't use to think it was true. Gave him 'Case for Christ' (lee strobel) n he said he's reading it and he's finding it interesting n thanked me again.
- missed the usual bus. took another, got off at the wrong stop. got lost. ran for a bus. talked to the guy i sat down next to. chatted, emails, shared gospel!
- colleague headed to melb. gave him something to read in the plane
- shared gospel with a girl who i met at my colleague's bday do after she asked me what my necklace was about (cross n a ring)
- ppl from church asking how 30in30 is going leading to more opportunities to share with ppl about 30in30 n the 'treasure hunt'
- shared gospel with someone from primary school
- shared gospel with a highschool friend
- was praying for opportunity as i headed to work. waiting at traffic lights, girl comes up n asks me where tafe is. walkin towards there with her, direct n tract

so yeah, pretty amazed by what God's been showing me and wondering how He's going to stretch me as i've still got more tracts to go...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

An Adelaidean Adventure (or two)

It's not much... But hope it encourages some people? :)

The Hopefuls have been gathering faithfully every Friday over the last few weeks for some Street Evangelism in the city. It has been a great blessing, especially when we meet back and hear the stories people share about the opportunities they had to talk with people and share the Gospel or defend the faith, sometimes a single conversation with a non-Christian could last for over half and hour! Praise the Lord!

Last week, we had the smallest numbers yet, an army of four. Undaunted, we prayed and set out to do God's work. At first we split up and went our separate ways, giving tracts to people and sharing the Gospel, but somehow, we all ended up meeting together in the same place. Without much discussion, we stood together outside Adelaide Uni and started to hand out tracts. We gave out tracts as often as people walked by, one by one, the people on that path were TRACTED. What was incredible was how receptive and appreciative the people were to receive the tracts, "Oh, sure. Thanks for that!" was a very common answer. Soon, the number of tracts in our hands dwindled, we had only a few left, it was then we realised in the short hour and a bit, the four of us had given out about 70 tracts! That means, by God's grace, 70 souls have been reached! It was unbelievably awesome! Now, we know that it's not about the quantity, but by the enthusiastic response from the tractees and the sheer volume of tracts given out, we were very much encouraged and the words "Thank you, Lord" could not depart from our lips. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts." Zech 4:6b

On Sunday, we organised a Street E in the suburb around Church. A group went to a nearby shopping centre and started to distribute tracts and our panel discussion flyers there. That evening, I was in church doing some work and I heard the doorbell ring, not giving much thought to who it could be, I bounded down the stairs to open the door. A lady was standing outside and I was a little puzzled, she started to talk to me and said, "Hello, I am here for the lecture." I had no idea who she was or what she was talking about, then I looked down at her hands and she was holding the panel discussion flyer! Wow. A brother in Christ and I started to talk to her and found out it was only her third day in Adelaide (which explained the accent), and she was very interested in coming to listen to the panel discussion, so enthusiastic that she had come five days too early! She even had a street directory in her hand so that she could find our church. Amazing? I think so! God had brought her from wherever she had come from (I didn't get to ask her), and moved in her heart to come to our church, seeking God even in a strange and foreign country. "I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high." Psalm 7:17

All in all, I believe that 30in30 has been a blessing to many of the YAFers who have participated. Through the testimonies shared, the experience gained and the lessons learnt, our hearts and souls have been uplifted, may we all go away with the realisation of how important and needful it is to share the Gospel with those who do not yet know our great and mighty God. YAFers, give thanks unto the Lord for all He has done, pray for all the people who have received the tracts, especially for the lady who wants to come for the panel discussion, pray also for ourselves and let this truly be our heart's desire, "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel," Ephesians 6:19
Thanks and God bless!!

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Psalm 62:5-8