Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Move when the Holy Spirit prompts or he'll prompt again

It’s the end of 30in30 and I happened to have a tract in my pocket, i felt it as I was walking to my car. I saw a group of guys standing around in the car park kicking a football around. The thought came to mind (the prompting) to give out the tract to one of the guys. I was thinking back and forth whether I should give it out – settling on the idea it was not a prompting and there were many more other people who could receive the tract another day.


As I was thinking that, the football was kicked into the air and I knew what was going to happen. Sure enough, it landed on my car with a thud.. ok maybe that was a prompting from the Holy Spirit after all! I walked over to the guy getting the ball “sorry mate” he said and I kept walking towards him “here’s something for you”. “Thanks!” The other guys gathered around him to have a look at what it was as I got into my car.


AS I drove off, I saw one of them give me the thumbs up – not sure whether he was an encouraged Christian or someone who liked the fact that I gave them a free comic booklet. Thank God for reminding me that the job is not over yet. I am still alive and there are people who need to hear the gospel.

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