Thursday, October 4, 2007

round two

Today, God helped me pick and try again after failing. Walking out to my car at about lunch time, I recognised this guy sitting on the lawn near the car park. He was the atheist which I tried to tract a couple of weeks ago during 30in30. I started to have flash backs of our conversation and how passionate he was about this topic, I remember him bluntly rejecting the tract and found myself walking away feeling almost converted (obviously that’s not possible). He had a lot to say the other week and had scientific arguments which made me feel a little useless. As I chucked my bag in the car, I remembered seeing a “Science vs the Bible” tract and I said to myself if I’m not mistaken I’ll go and try to give that to him. Well, you guessed it, I had it, actually, I had two.

I was pretty scared because all I could think of is him raising his voice and getting all passionate again. Nervously walking up to him, I prayed, and started telling myself it’s not about me, it’s all about God. He recognized me. I told him what was going through my head before coming here and said I really really wanted to give this tract to him, thank God he actually accepted it with no arguments!! He said He will read it (which I saw him doing as I drove off) and said he’ll highlight the “mistakes” and give it back to me. So it looks like there will be round three. May the Lord’s infallible Word stand against his highlighter. - Truc

“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.” - Isaiah 40:8

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