Monday, October 1, 2007

Thank God for City Evangelism

One of the things we always pray is that God will be glorified when we go out to evangelise. God gets the glory when we testify of His answered prayers so here are some testimonies from yesterday - if we missed something that could also give God glory, add it to the comments or post another post. A City Evangelism on the 30th September was a great way to "celebrate" the end of 30in30 in Perth and a beginning of a lifestyle of PEACE (Praying, Evangelising and Continually Encouraging). Here are SOME highlights:

Parking When the Church van went to pick people up, God provided a parking bay for the van to stop legally in the street five consecutive times. Two times you could be excused to say it was coincidence... but 5x was a work of God! When it was time to park the van, God provided a parking bay where Leonard was able to keep an eye on the other two Church vehicles which were for one security reason or another needed to be watched.

Tracted in 30in30 and City Evangelism The prayer group prayed that someone who received a tract during 30in30 would also be spoken to in the city so that the gospel can be more carefully explained to them. One person had JUST received the exact same tract this morning somewhere near the Swan River possibly from someone in our Church doing 30in30!

Encouragement to other Christians The prayer group were also moved to pray that other Christians would be encouraged to evangelise through the City Evangelism outreach today. Thank God quite a few Christians noticed the number of asians giving out tracts and talking to people. and one lady from Claremont Baptist Church was so encouraged that she expressed her interest to join in our evangelism next time we went out.

Tears of Repentance An Aboriginal guy from the country named Michael was drinking and smoking when we met him but seemed have a Christian background. When I shared with him how God wants him to come back to Him even though he has sinned against God, just like how a father wants to be with his son in spite of the son's wrongs, he said sorrowfully "you're making me feel bad, brother". He also said that every time he turns away from God, God always seems to send someone to talk to him about it. I prayed with him, asking God to help with his alcohol problem and after that he kept his eyes closed for a while and then thanked me for talking to him.

Brazillian guy repents Thinking that Mokota was an asian guy, three brothers Heng Lee, David H and Kevin approached him only to discover that he was actually Brazillian! Anyway, they continued to share the Gospel with him for quite a long time. Eventually he said he wanted to repent and turn to God so the brothers led him through the sinner's prayer. They have taken his contacts to follow up with him. Keep Mokota in prayer!

Receptive hearts everywhere Andrew and Eugene shared that there were so many people who were receptive to the Gospel today. Many were willing to stop and talk about things of eternal significance.

Tracts everywhere It seemed today that everywhere you looked there were people reading, carrying or receiving the THIS WAS YOUR LIFE tract. What was even more encouraging was watching other Christians using the tract to explain to the friends that they are with, the way of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ. There was a buzz of excitement and spiritual activity as another two Christian groups sang hymns with guitars and the other group.... with an accordian!

Thai photo opportunity Renz sat down and prayed that God would lead someone to him so that he could speak to them about the Gospel. Soon a Thai couple came along and started taking photos around him. The guy sat next to Renz and asked if he could take a photo with him, so Renz smiled and the girl took a photo. After that the girl asked what Renz was doing, pointing at the tracts in his hands and we passed them a gospel tract, showing them the website where they can read a Thai version of the Gospel. Its not every day you have a complete stranger come to you to ask if they could take a photo with you - maybe it happens to some more than others :)

I'm sure there were other testimonies I missed so if you would like to share something else to thank God for, post it up. Otherwise, hope you have been plenty encouraged. :) - Adrian

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