Monday, September 14, 2009

Bigger is your excuses or God?

As I left the campus late last night, I saw a wallet was sitting on a car's roof in the car park. I looked around and can see no one but my own shadow.
I feel very strange that the wallet was there, thinking to myself, what should I do with it. A voice in my mind said, better for you to take and return it, than someone else stealing it. And so I took that with me. 

As I flip through the compartments looking for IDs and found a UWA student ID. I was ready in my mind the next day I shall bring it to UWA library as they should have no problem looking up her contact. Then, I saw a note in the wallet wrote something like "If you found this wallet, please call xxxxxxxxx..."  

So today after lunch, I sms to the number, few seconds later a guy rang. He's the boy friend of the owner. Gave him This Was Your Life and Are You a Good Man? tract. Told him that it's a gospel tract and I am a Christian. Asked him if he's a Christian. ".....Yeah....use to be" he replied and I asked "So what happen now?" "Oh now I believe more in science", "But science and Christianity can co-exsist together." I told him. "I study Biology as well".

As we continue to chat, we found out that we are actually doing the same unit together and were trying to get our assignment done by 6pm tonight. So we shook hand and back to work. 

Although I didn't really open up the gospel with him, but at least I know that I will see him again in the lectures. I hope this incident will be a little seed in his/her girl friend's heart of a Christian testimony. God will water it and cause it to grow. 

Brothers and Sisters, September is a month fill with rare encounters and opportunities. We can find the smallest excuse for not giving out a tract or gospel to someone, but God can crush even our "biggest excuse" by bringing us to the rarest encounter. Honestly, how many lost wallet can we find in a year? Randomly found one in the month of September sitting on top of a car? Maybe it's not random after all.......

Be sure that God will amaze you with His power. Pray for more opportunities to testify Him and be prepare for the rarest encounters : )