Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last night ...

An account of last night incident during announcement in fellowship
A sister pop us a question in a cool manner "What is so special today?"
I was still trying to gather my thought, thinking hard of what special occasion could it be today that I have missed out
Suddenly off the congregation, someone shouted "It is the memorial of 9/11"
 Never thought of that ... and still in her calm and cool posture, the sister replied steadily "It is the 11th day of Sep!".
She followed on "How are you going with your tracting? ..."  And continue on with the rest of the announcement.
Thank God for the reminder! Indeed we are almost half way of September, how are we going with our tracting?
Discouraged? Tired? No motivation? Give up? Don't care? Fearful? FORGOTTEN?
Or still faithfully, trying our VERY BEST?  
May the LORD help us to fight the good fight for the LORD in September by tracting faithfully.
At the end of September, like Paul,
pray that we would be able to stand before the LORD and claim that
"I've fought the good fight!"
Can you hear the LORD?
"Carry on my child on whichever tract you are at now.
Trust in me to give out tract.
All I ask is a faithful heart in service."
We are not alone when we do His work for His promises to be with us.
May the LORD help us to not be ashamed of the Gospel. *Romans 1:16*
~ Emmanuel ~

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