Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fail to tract today but ...

I failed to tract today but God gave me oppportunity to know Lin more.
Before work bus trip
As usual, I wait for my bus to work at the bus stop. When the bus approached me, I saw a familiar face stretching her head in the bus as if expecting someone from the bus stand. It was Lin, the Asian lady I met yesterday.
Without hesitation, I sat beside her. The 1st thing she did was she pull out the children picnic invite to confirm the street name she need to enter into the GPS to bring her there. *Amazing* But she has a concern because she might either plan for house moving on the 28th Sep Monday or the Monday after. So please continue to pray for her. We chat happily till we reach city.
After work bus trip 
Rush rush rush ... I reached the bus stop just in time to hail the bus before it signaled out to leave. Thank God! To my surprise, guess who is in the bus! Yes, Lin again! She didn't expect me this time. I sat beside her and we chat heartily.
Wow, recalling all the topics we have covered today, from house building, her son concert, her migration process, politics, saving, HK movie series. We got to know each other more. She even handed me her handphone to have a word with her husband during out trip home after work. God is marvelous. His timing is all perfect!
Even though I fail to tract today, I thank God for the catch up opportunity ... I mean opportunities with Lin today. :)
Thank you for praying for her and her family. Please continue to pray that her family could make it to the children picnic.

1 comment:

Adrian said...

That's an encouraging testimony to me about how we often need to take the initiative and step beyond our comfort zone in reaching out to others.