Thursday, September 25, 2008

Primary School kid loved This Was Your Life tract

Lining up at McDonalds in Garden City to buy some dinner. One primary schoolage kid wearing a Mt Pleasant Primary School shirt was behind me in the line. I turned around and gave him the tract "This is for you, its a comic book". He thanked me, and later i heard while still in the line, his friend asking him what it was. Later when I finally got my food, I turned around to walk away and he looked up and said smiling "This is interesting!"

Thank God, this is the most encouraging tract I've given out and as promised to God, I will testify of this as an encouragement to others. It is a good idea to give the This Was your Life tracts to primary school kids.. they will enjoy it and read it receptively!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

FREE Bus Trip When You Have a Tract

Yesterday morning, I was catching a bus to the Murdoch train station. As a bus approached, I tried to indicate to the bus driver but then I noticed that the bus was 000 - out of service. However, God made the bus driver stop and asked me if I was going to the Murdoch Train Station. I said I was and he said I didn't have to pay. As I got off the bus, I handed him a tract "Here's something for you to read" which he received happily.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chicken meets the "Beast"

Lack of sleep, traffic jam, hungry - so many "reasons" why not to meet God this morning, but nevertheless, I found myself at the park doing quiet time… somehow. When I arrived, I saw a man at a park bench; he had the homeless look. Decided I better do my hit and run before my quiet time in case he leaves without me noticing. Approaching him, I was somewhat scared so I asked God to help me. As I got closer I noticed he had a note book in front of him, he was writing a letter. I gave him the tract and told him that's something for him to read, he thanked me for it and asked me what it was, I replied that it was a Gospel tract. I was about to "run" back to my car when much to my surprise he asked me to explain the Gospel. First I hesitated because I wasn't sure if he was sincere, I said a small prayer and I sat down, and we started talking. Turned out he was intrigued because a little young lady had the courage to approach someone like him despite his looks; apparently he normally gets judged by his appearance. He said he thought whatever it was, it must be important. It sure was. Thank God for the opportunity to share the gospel to the man, spent a good half an hour talking to him, it was a pleasant experience (he wasn't scary at all!), I think both him and I enjoyed it. He was open to hear but I'm not too sure if he believed what I was saying to him, so to help him know I was serious, as I left, I said to him that there's a reason why we both came here today (he looked a bit puzzled because I think he was thinking "because I took my wife to the dentist?"), I pointed at the tract and continued, ".. and this is the reason." His face froze and I smiled.

Monday, September 15, 2008

1 Tract Reaches 20 Souls!

On September 5th, I went through Macca's drive-thru for two reasons:
1. to order a steaming cappuccino coffee and 2. to give out "Are you a
good person?" tract. The first blessing was that I had to pay at one
window and pick up the order at the second window--that meant 2 tracts
for 1 cappuccino. Nice!

The second blessing came exactly one week later. I was picking up
teenagers in my van to take them to youth group. Chingy, one of the
fellas that I picked up caught a glimpse of my pile of "Are you a good
" tracts lying on the dash. "Hey, I think I've read one of
those--they're pretty cool." I said, "Huh ... where do you read it?"
Chingy replied, "I read it at work." (Chingy works as a shift manager
at McDonalds).

"So, who gave it to you?" I was really curious now (who was that
mystery tract giver??). "Nobody gave it to me. It was in the crew's
break room. It was just lying on the table." I asked Chingy about the
girls I handed the tracts to--Linda and Tanya. "Yeah, one of them must
have read it and left it on the table for others to read. In fact,
everyone who's been coming into the crew room has been picking it up
and reading. The comic cover catches their attention immediately. It's
really cool."

So I asked Chingy about how many people would have read the tract. "At
least 20," he replied. I was stunned and rebuked at the same time.
Because I remember the look on Linda's face when I handed her the
tract. She gave the "raised eyebrows" look (you know what I mean?). In
my mind I thought, "Oh well, at least I tried ..."

Guess what? If Linda had been really interested in that tract, she
would have taken it home with her. Because of her "disinterest", the
Lord had her leave it lying on the table in the crew room ... so
that ... 20 or more of her workmates (and still counting) would get to
read it!

I love how the Lord uses even the "disinterested" people to be a means
of spreading his word (and to be a means of rebuking this saint's


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mission Participation!

Day 10, Sept 30in30

Tracting meets a bottleneck.

How do you evangelise without leaving the house all day?
What if you didn't need to go out neither feel like going out?


Most probably can't.

Admitting defeat to God gave me great strength to put on a thick jacket and venture out into the cold for a night walk. I thank God for a like-minded brother who in my weakness is able to encourage me towards God's strength. In plain English speak, he came along for the little stroll with his portion of tracts :)

1. Sally:
At first, we walked around in the cold without a single person in sight. Imagine our delight when 2 girls appeared out of nowhere walking towards us on the other side of the road.

Thinking it's now or never, I started to cross the street. As I approach closer, Chinese dialect come into ear as one of the girl talks audibly into the mobile. "This is for you," I offered in Chinese. "Ah?" Replied Sally who wasn't on the phone.

"So, have you guys been shopping?" I asked, pointing to bags of groceries,

"Yeah, just a little" Said Sally.

More talks led me to discover that they'd both just arrived from China 3 days ago. Sally also mentioned that she used to believe in Jesus for a period of time along with her grandma.

"Do you mind me asking why you stopped believing?" I said,

"Because they moved away." She replied.

Explaining to her that nothing stops her from believing again and perhaps it's God's work that we met each other, she seemed interested in visiting CYPG. I extended the invitation once again, she then asked how to get to our church by bus so I offered to drive them. She was happy and said that if her friend is willing to go, she'll contact me.

2. Candy:
At IGA I gave another tract to an Asian girl walking by herself.

"I've received this before!" She said, a little amazed.

"REEAAALLY?" MORE amazed than her for sure!

"Yeah really, at Curtin Uni back in July. I read the first few pages but couldn't really understand, can you explain it to me?" She asked.

Amazing. God is Amazing.

Explained to her what the tract is about, invited her to Friday Y180 but unfortunately she has a lot of assessments this month thus won't be free until October. Candy also shared some of the struggles she's currently facing being away from her family so I offered to help if she ever needs any. In the end we agreed to catch up for coffee/dinner once she's finished her assignments.

I gave her my mobile number but in my carelessness it was the old Optus number which was cancelled few years ago. Upon realising my mistake (1 hour too late), I rang that number to ask the current owner if anyone had called. I was greeted with a message bank and my heart sank right to the bottom. In desperation I prayed for God's forgiveness and help. Knowing this is the will of God as He is not willing that any should perish, I prayed for God to allow our paths to cross again; either myself or other Christians as long as God reaches to her. I also told my brother what had happened.

The next day he asked me to guess who he met today.

"Dunno" I said, disinterested.

Showing me Candy's mobile number on his phone I was left speechless. "Wha? How? Who? Why? When? TELLLL MEEEEE!" Interest level suddenly went through the roof.

He bumped into her at Curtin library, remembering what I'd done, he said hi and told her my mistake - unfortunately She was in a hurry to leave so my brother asked her what was wrong.

"I left my electronic dictionary in the last lecture, it's really expensive..."

Picking up her obvious distress my brother accompanied her to the lecture room but there was a lesson going on. He entered into the room and announced his intentions to which the lecturer asked him to wait till the class is over. Suddenly someone inside the room stood up and asked if he's looking for this, holding up a small electronic devise.

Candy was overjoyed having found the electronic dictionary; she said she's really glad bumping into him.

"It's okay, don't worry about it... but... CAN I HAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER??"

Hehe, official path-crossing point :)

On Day 11, Sept 30in30, I learnt that serving God can't be dreamt from sitting in a chair. Our participation is needed to testify the gospel of the grace of God. Like what Gav said, "I couldn't have planned this even if I tried",

This can only mean one thing:

ALL glory to God!


Friday, September 5, 2008

Christianity Again?

#3404 I was at Royal Perth Hospital working when I met a Thai boy. After talking for a while, he mentioned something about God and reminded me of the tracts. I gave him a tract and he said that God must want him to be Christian because quite a few times he has been approached by people talking about Jesus – sometimes on the train, sometimes in the city. He said that he cannot become a Christian because his parents are not a Christian. I explained to him about Christianity and how Jesus died for our sins and only when we receive Him, we can be saved from the consequences of our sins. I also shared with him my testimony about how I was saved even though my parents are still not Christian. I invited him to come to Church on Friday nights or Sunday morning if he can, and that he can bring friends. Because he is now injured, he said he may go on Fridays because normally he works on Fridays. He was also surprised when I told him that he can bring friends as well. Pray for Patchara that He will receive Christ soon.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

God's Humour

On 31st August 2008, the day before my second September 30in30, I picked up a whole range of different gospel tracts from church including my favourite, the Chick comic book tract This Was Your Life. I planned to give out at least one tract per day. I usually take a taxi home each night from work, I could just give one to each taxi driver. I had my tracts in my suit jacket pocket so on Monday night, I gave a Chick tract to the taxi driver. The next night as usual, I’m chatting to the taxi driver. The conversation continued and suddenly we were talking about his addiction to gambling. He mentioned how he could never save any money. When he won, he would spend it and go on holidays and when he lost, he would just work harder to make the money back. We arrive outside my place. It was at this time that I normally give the taxi driver a tract. Then suddenly, I realize I’m wearing a different suit to yesterday! My Chick tracts are in my other suit! I scrambled around trying to find a tract, and then I realize I do have one… the $1,000,000 gospel tract! How appropriate! Hahaha! I don’t think I could have planned this event if I tried.

Thank God for this situation and opportunity. I hope you all continue to share the gospel, not only in September, but always. =) God bless, Gav.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Provoking Christians to evangelise

To provoke other christian to evangelise was one of the purpose of sept 30in30 but I didn't expect that God would work in such a miracous way. I prayed and asked God to give me the opportunity to give a tract to Sonja (supervisor).The story goes from Day 1 of my 2nd tract...

Early in the morning when i arrive work, a lady parked her car next to me and i was quite hesitant to give her the tract because of "fear". However, I prayed for courage and the Lord led me to have the opportunity to say "hi" to her and ask what her name is? Bethany, she answered and i gave her my 2nd tract and she put on a big smile and told me that she is a Christian too and goes to Bethany christian church.I was like, "Phew"....i was almost ashamed of the gospel but Thank God for upholding me and i told her to give this to someone else. She was happy with that. To my surprise she knew some of our Church ppl while she was at a uni christian union. So Thank God for that..

The story did not end here... Lunch time came...there were 3 of us eating lunch together then one of my "supervisor", Sonja , came to sit with us (which is rare). So me and my other colleague(also a Christian) started to talk about eternal things. We asked her what is her purpose for living on earth.. then we went into sharing the gospel with her..she was very willing to listen as we got another colleague next to us (Thank God for that)..however, our lunch time exceeded more than 15 mins..there was like someone telling us to go back so we had to stop there. But what's encouraging is that we have shared the gospel with her and it was especially encouraging to have a fellow christian colleague evangelising together at work. In the end, we worked an extra 20 mins for exceeding the lunch time but it was worthwhile even though i still haven't given the tract to her but God has opened a door for us to evangelise to her as well as provoking other Christian to evangelise!

All glo
ry to God! May we still continue to give our best(really the BEST) to Our Almighty God in Heaven!

3 days down, ETERNITY to go!

What God and I did so far :)

On the first day God took me to see His beautiful creations at Kings Park where the first track was given out.

On the Second day God gave me courage from above to encourage a lady who used to attend church all the time.

Today just as I thought I'd missed my chance to evangelise as the sun fades in the West; He made it so that I would drive at 6:30pm to give BP__03 to a shop attendant who gladly accepted "this was your life".

"My impossibilites became His opportunities" (quote from unkown source hehe)

3 days into Sept 30in30 2008, God is everywhere.

Anon. <- last year u guys put my name in ARRGGHH!