Monday, September 15, 2008

1 Tract Reaches 20 Souls!

On September 5th, I went through Macca's drive-thru for two reasons:
1. to order a steaming cappuccino coffee and 2. to give out "Are you a
good person?" tract. The first blessing was that I had to pay at one
window and pick up the order at the second window--that meant 2 tracts
for 1 cappuccino. Nice!

The second blessing came exactly one week later. I was picking up
teenagers in my van to take them to youth group. Chingy, one of the
fellas that I picked up caught a glimpse of my pile of "Are you a good
" tracts lying on the dash. "Hey, I think I've read one of
those--they're pretty cool." I said, "Huh ... where do you read it?"
Chingy replied, "I read it at work." (Chingy works as a shift manager
at McDonalds).

"So, who gave it to you?" I was really curious now (who was that
mystery tract giver??). "Nobody gave it to me. It was in the crew's
break room. It was just lying on the table." I asked Chingy about the
girls I handed the tracts to--Linda and Tanya. "Yeah, one of them must
have read it and left it on the table for others to read. In fact,
everyone who's been coming into the crew room has been picking it up
and reading. The comic cover catches their attention immediately. It's
really cool."

So I asked Chingy about how many people would have read the tract. "At
least 20," he replied. I was stunned and rebuked at the same time.
Because I remember the look on Linda's face when I handed her the
tract. She gave the "raised eyebrows" look (you know what I mean?). In
my mind I thought, "Oh well, at least I tried ..."

Guess what? If Linda had been really interested in that tract, she
would have taken it home with her. Because of her "disinterest", the
Lord had her leave it lying on the table in the crew room ... so
that ... 20 or more of her workmates (and still counting) would get to
read it!

I love how the Lord uses even the "disinterested" people to be a means
of spreading his word (and to be a means of rebuking this saint's


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey that is really cool! I wonder how many McDonalds around Perth have tracts lying around.