Thursday, September 10, 2009

Coincidence? Accident? OPPORTUNITY !

Pray, pray, pray. I committed today's tracting unto God's hand in the morning before leaving home for work.

1st tract of the day
Soon enough I chose a seat beside an Asian looking lady in the bus to work. Without much hesitation, I pull out a tract for her to read. She accepted it. Yes, no rejection. As she read the tract, I prayed for her while doing my reading.

In a couple of minutes, she had skimmed through the tract. That was fast I thought to myself. Then I wandered whether I should stop my reading and ask her for feedback on the tract. Recalling on how I failed to take up the courage to followup on people who finished reading tracts beside me over the past few days in the bus, I was obligated that I should not miss the chance again.

Thank God for the conversation. From our conversation, she believes in gods and she is a Buddhist. Her family migrated to Perth a year or so ago and they are still trying to adjust to life here. She shares about how lonely it is on the bus to work every day. There is no one to talk to and even reading on the bus is so hard because she gets dizzy after a while. She mentioned that her children are still in the transition to forsake the life in Malaysia in order to adapt their new lives and studies here. It must have been hard for her and her family to juggle with the changes.

Since she mentioned about her children who are in Year11 and 12 now, children Sunday school picnic crept into my mind and thus I extend the invitation to her. Yeah, got her address and tonight I am going to drop the invite at her doorstep. There ended our conversation and we got off the same bus stop. Her workplace is just a street away from mine. Coincidence?
Thank God for the opportunity to tract Lin. Please pray for her and her family that they would turn up at the children Sunday school picnic.
2nd tract of the day
Knowing that I have a physio appointment, I have decided to tract the receptionist. At the counter, she has given me extra AUD20 change which I stared at for a while, trying to work out the maths. After the return of the extra notes I gave her the 'This was your life' tract. Accident? Thank God for the 2nd tracting opportunity of the day. :)
Ecclesiastes 11:6 'In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.'

p/s: Thank God that I have passed the invitation to Lin and her family tonight. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank God! Am I the only one who doesn't get extra change like this?