Friday, September 3, 2010

Eternity - Smoking or Non-Smoking?

Today I put up my hand to do the banking for work so I can go for a walk to give out a tract. Just as I walked out of the bank, I saw 2 high school boys smoking at the corner. I walked straight past them but suddenly remembered a sister's testimony of giving her tract to a young smoking kid. This prompted me to turn back and give my tract to the kids standing in the corner. I walked toward them but the two boys started to hide from me. I realised that one of the words on my jacket says "police" which was probably why :)

From talking to them I found out that one of them belongs to a brethren church which he hates going because the church 'restricts him from doing things'. The other one said he used to go for (Sunday School) which he enjoyed but wasn't serious about God. I asked if they knew Who Jesus was and why Jesus had to die for sinners. This led to a short sharing of the Gospel. We further talked about the concept of 'eternity', 'value' of a person's soul, the the reality of Hell, and that church attendance does not 'save' a person.

Half way through the conversation, one boy put out his cigarette. He said he knows that smoking is not right, he got into it because of peer pressure. I shared with him that my dad has been a smoker all his life and now he really regrets his decision in taking up smoking all those years ago. My dad wished that he never tried to look 'cool'. The reality is that smoking leads to all sorts of health issues... Plus both of them are underage, they should not be smoking in the first place! I told them that I'm not here to get them into trouble, I only want to tell them about the God Who created them and gave them life. 'You are the bigger person by saying no to peer pressure than someone that just gives in'. They already agreed that their souls are pricesless, so how about the body that they are hurting by smoking if they wouldn't sell their eyes for $50m? I questioned. Did they realise that they are giving away the health which they perceive as precious for free to nobody's benefit?!

Thank God that both boys were very responsive, receptive and courteous. At first, I was afraid that they might joke about me but that never happened. I feared in vain. The boys said that they'll definitely have a read of the 'booklet'. I said our church's address is at the back of the 'booklet' so if they'd like to come for youth group, they know where to find us. Lastly, I shared with them that being a Christian is not about more or less restrictions you adhere to. It is about having a personal relationship with God. If you love God, you will not do the things that grieve God's heart. Do they have a relationship with God? Do they care? I said I'll pray for them and again gently encouraged them that smoking isn't 'cool' but it is quite the opposite.

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