Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prayer Works in Evangelism

Last night I did not sleep well at all and felt really tired and not in the mood for giving any tracts. I quickly prayed in the morning asking God to give me opportunities and to give me strength as well and put 2 tracts in my bag.
When I went to work I automatically felt that I should give it to someone there. Because there weren't many kids that day I was given the opportunity to co-work with this student Suzanne.

I felt the prompting that she would be the one I would give the tract to and this Sept30in30 I really wanted to go beyond just giving a tract and share the gospel verbally with someone. Even though I had talked to Suzanne before I didn't really know her well.

While talking to her I found out that she was an international student from Malaysia. I mentioned to her that I went to church and that there were many international students there. While we were talking I prayed that God would give me an opportunity to be able to give her a tract.
Finally when work finished I knew I wanted to go straight to Koorong rather than going home. However, I decided that I would just see where she lived and ask if she needed a lift home (since I always drop off another student, Adelle [also a Christian] at Curtin Uni) and I knew that Suzanne took the bus home.

Really praise and thank God that I did this. After dropping off Adelle, I was praying that I could speak to Suzanne. As soon as I finished praying Suzanne said "You said you went to church, which one do you go to?" It turns out she knows about BPCWA because she lives near Canning Hwy and sometimes goes to a Catholic church near there. We talked about how Catholicism and Christianity differed and it turned out she didn't believe a lot of what the Catholic church was preaching.

After asking more questions I realised that she wasn't very sure about what Christianity was all about and then proceeded to share the gospel and how one is saved. During that time a window washer guy at the traffic lights on Canning Hwy started washing my car window and thank God I got to tract him.

But even more amazing is that I was able to share the gospel and give a tract to Suzanne and invite her to church. I had no idea how God was going to work and looking back today I can see how amazing He is. Even though I spoke very ineloquently, fumbling with my words, I know that He is able to use anything I said to prick Suzannes heart and also the tract. I know that it is not by my own efforts, or ability but to know that He is the one who gives such opportunities and us the strength to do His will.

Please pray for her that she may come and join us and find true salvation. I started the day with only two tracts not even knowing if I could hand out one, but God had a purpose for exactly those two tracts. Praise God!

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