Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 30in30 has begun..

Its now, the second day of September. This year, participants are submitting their testimonies online, so for the first time we can get updates as they happen from mobile phones, at work or at home. The statistics page is also working now. Here are a few testimonies from Day 1 to show you a day in the life of a Church at work for God.  

#6301 @ 7:51 - First tract
I was praying for someone whom i can give the tract to when i was walking to the bus stop this morning. After being alone in the cold wind for about 3 minutes, there came a high school boy! I was still contemplating when i started walking up and introduce myself and handed him the tract! Thank God for the unspeakable courage! I gave him the tract and went back to my position not too sure how it might go. I saw him reading the tract from behind and i prayed for him and i felt immersed joy that i haven enjoyed for a long time! It was great God is willing to use me as a vessel to Bordon today! 

#4803 @ 12:15 - Friends that care
Gave a tract to Mark, my uni friend.

#7002 @ 15:30 - Looking for a Church

Given to a relatively young believer who was looking for a church named Jo. 

#8001 @ 16:00 - Making conversations
After finishing shopping at Bullcreek, there was a man walking infront of me with his shopping trolley. I walked beside him and we started talking about the cost of living and other topics. As we reached his car I asked if he would like to read this gospel tract. He took it and read aloud "Are you a good person?" He responded with "Of course I am a good person". So then I told him in that case this is for you. He went into the car with the tract and said he would read it. 

#3101 @ 16:34 - Encouraging Christians in Evangelism
Lee Elliott, didn't have any opportunity to give out tracts the whole morning so I emailed my group to ask if they can pray for me. In the afternoon I had an appointment to see the branch manager of CBA. At the end of the appointment, I gave her a tract to which she appeared to be puzzled. I really just felt like walking away but thank God for courage and said to her: "This is a gospel tract. Our church is doing a project where we give out a tract a day in the month of September. You just got the first tract!" She told me that she is actively involved in her church (Maida Vale Baptist Church?) and she is actually the pastor's wife! Her husband and her recently came back from a mission trip and she is greatly encouraged that there are people in Perth evangelizing. We talked a bit more about Evangelism, Chick tracts, and God's glory before she had to go for prayer meeting.

#6201 @ 17:00 - Opportunities we would otherwise miss
Ryan M, he studies where I study. I noted that he came to some christian event at one of the University's christian societies, so I thought I would give this to him in the event that he was looking more into Christianity. I shall wait on his response after he reads it.

#0101 @ 17:15 - Praying and Tracting
After withdrawing money from atm gave tract to the next girl in line. Also prayed for everyone who are thinking of giving out the tract right now.

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