Monday, September 7, 2015

Agnostic to Hopefully Saved

Praise God for a very good opportunity to evangelise.

This man (Dominic) first declined a tract because he said he believed there was no God.
Thank God that instead of giving up and moving on, God moved me to stick on and ask why he didn't believe in a God.

This led to showing him how not believing in God is as ridiculous as saying that a watch has no maker.

Managed to fully share the Gospel with him, of how we are all sinners who can never do enough good to get to heaven, how our conscience itself proves that there is a God who will judge us, the fiery end which awaits all those who die in their sins, the infinity of this judgement because of our infinite sin against an infinite God, how we are all condemned by the law which is already in our conscience, how we break God's law specified in the Ten Commandments and reflected in our conscience, how we are rendered without excuse from the creation of the world, how we are thus condemned to hell for our sins and how we can never make up for our broken record.

But also the good news of the Gospel, how God so loved the world, that God the Father would send God the Son in the flesh to live perfectly and earn the righteousness we could not, how He would die an excruciating bloody death on the cross in our place, how He not only took the physical torture but also the anguish of God the Father placing His wrath upon the Son, and how He rose victorious from the grave in a glorified physical body because He is God and to seal our salvation and give us the hope of resurrection.

Thus we no longer fear death but look forward to it, for to be with the Lord is far better and that it is the beginning of our life, awaiting the resurrection of our bodies and how glorious, eternal, wonderful, and worth-it it is.

After this, evolution was addressed and shown to be false: a blind faith. For there are no "missing links" : they are all misnomers or hoaxes, and evolution of kinds is not seen and completely different from natural selection and adaptation.

After the Gospel, general apologetics: such as Christianity being different from all other world religions like genuine money is distinguished from counterfeit money by the major differences of the founder being resurrected not dead, the Saviour who has done the good works necessary for our salvation not salvation by our own good works. And other things.

Thank God that for one solid hour the Gospel and apologetics was shared with him, and he was extremely receptive and listened attentively.

After a few minutes of sharing the Gospel with him he reached out for one of the tracts in my hand and read through it as I talked to him, also gave him a tract about evolution which he also took.
As we were about to part he said he would read the tracts again when he got home, and I told him to read them very carefully like he would read a treasure map which would lead to treasure or a booklet abut a foolproof way to become a billionaire.
"For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36

In closing the conversation with him I again asked him if he would repent and believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, His person, His works, His death and resurrection to save him and his sincere answer was "I hope that God will save me." I asssured him of God's promise of salvation to all who repent and believe with John 6:37 "…him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out."

What a change from the agnostic who didn't believe there was a God and who initially refused a tract and now one hour later acknowledged that he was a sinner and hoped that the God he did not believe in previously would save him! Other words he dropped seemed to indicate his change of heart, as I left instead of saying "have a good one" accidentally said "have a good life" and he said "yes, a good after life." and he returned my "God bless".

Thank God, this opportunity is not by chance, the Gospel I have been privileged to share to this man may either be a savour of death unto death or a savour of life unto life and this looks promising!

May God have mercy on his soul, and all thanks and praise be to God who gave the great joy and privilege of sharing the glorious and wonderful Gospel of His Beloved Son to this wretched and unworthy worm and empowered me to share this Good News!

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