Monday, September 14, 2015

Slow Trading Day Becomes Gospel Opportunity

Had a really good conversation with the person in charge of the watch/cobbler/engraver store.
Just had a chat for sometime about general things and prayed for an opportunity to turn the conversation to spiritual things concerning her soul.
Thank God the opportunity came when she asked me what I was studying and I told her how wonderful studying the Bible had been to me recently, found out she came from a Catholic background but had been out of it for 10 years because of an incident in her church where someone's leg was broken in a fight.
She hadn't really considered whether there was indeed a God so I asked her about the all the watches on display.

I told her that I had never seen a watchmaker or a watch being made so how would I know that the watch had been made and not formed by chance? Of course from the intricacy of the design which she as a watch repairer would understand better than anyone else.
Thank God she could see the argument that this world which is far more complex must have a Maker although we cannot see Him.
Gave her a tract and shared the Gospel with her, showing her how it was different from all other religions and Catholicism even because it is not salvation by our works which we cannot do at all but it is salvation by Christ's works and His salvation alone.

I had to leave in a hurry but thank God that when I told her to read it carefully she said very seriously that she would and when I told her that our church doors were always open to her she said she might see me there then.

Thank God for this great opportunity and His providential arrangement of things so that she would be there.
She normally works somewhere else but as the normal attendant at that watch store was ill she had to fill in just for that night and had not much business for that day and was bored so was very happy to talk.

May God have mercy on her soul (Katy) as He has given the opportunity to share the Gospel to her. @ 9:10pm on Thursday 10/9/15 in Bull Creek

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