Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A game of badminton turns into evangelism

Before I went to play badminton with some friends tonight, I prayed on the way there that I would have the opportunity to tract some people.
All through the game I looked around and saw that tonight there were so many people - lots of basketballers, badminton players and people doing Kendo. 
There had to be some way that these people could be tracted! 
Whilst it was my turn to rotate and sit out of the badminton game I prayed hard over and over again that God would give opportunities to tract.
And did God answer!
Another sister decided to sit out and I was able to pass her 30in30 tract pack. She had not been able to receive it before and was technically behind. Both of us then thought it would be a great idea to tract the basketball players sitting on the benches and also people around. So we took a few of my own tracts and about 8 or more of her tracts. 
I had seen a girl also sitting on the sidelines and knew that I wanted to tract her. So we both decided to go over and have a chat with this girl (Trina).
Turns out Trina was an atheist but said she was open to things as well. We briefly were able to talk to her and tract her but weren't able to have an in depth discussion. 
As we made our way around the Recreation Centre and decided to first pray for God's leading and that we would not fear man! 
I had to admit I was quite intimidated by all the basketball players in their groups! But praise God we spotted to ladies sitting at a table both reading. The sister and I decided to take one lady each! Praise God for the opportunity to witness and share the gospel with these two ladies and to tract them. Also it was no coincidence that both these ladies on the same table had empty chairs next to them (perfect for me and the sister to sit down on).
After this we had to pack up all the badminton nets etc. and went over to help the others.
It turns out that a group of basketball players wanted our court. 
The sister and I, having still many tracts left in our hands decided this would be our opportunity to tract them. 
Most of the basketballers were receptive and took the tracts praise God! We had handed out all our tracts except two!
So as we were heading to go home, I saw a basketballer sitting on the bench. I quickly turned and decided to give it to him. Turns out that Thomas goes to a church (PCCC) and is a Christian but didn't know what a gospel tract was. I was only able to briefly talk to him but encouraged him to give the tract to one of his friends. 
The other sister also had one tract left and just as we were leaving we saw another guy sit on the bench as well. She quickly also went to give him the tract.
Praise God, that one badminton game turned out into a fantastic amazing tracting and evangelism experience.
It is only truly by God's grace, His ability and His Spirit! There truly is joy found in sharing the gospel with others :) It also goes to show that prayer works, God answers and He will do work. All glory to God!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank God! Its amazing how God will use us when we are willing to open up our eyes and see the lost around us.

Hopefully we will all have fresher eyes during September to see what God sees.

Badminton Rules said...

Thanks for sharing this post! Keep praying and keep playing badminton. God Bless!:)