Monday, September 19, 2016

Better bargain than catalogue

Have always wanted to replace a broken cabinet at home and there was a cabinet on special buy on Aldi catalogue for past Saturday. *:-? thinking Thought I should drop by to see if there was still left over stock.

Pray before I go asking the Lord to help me with tracting. Another sister interceded with me.

There was a few chinese people around the shop. So gave out two Mandarin Gospel Rally invites, a Chinese tract and an English tract.

*'@-@ search me Of course I was at a lookout for the expired special buy cabinet too. Nope, none to be seen! HOWEVER, there was one and only one BIGGER cabinet of a different material for sale. The size is just what I wanted and being the last one on the floor, it was further discounted 30%!!! Joy ~ *:) happy God has prepared a better cabinet on a better price for me!

It was too heavy for me to carry into my car. Asked the cashier, Will, to help me to get the two flat packs into the car. And there at the car park, tracted him.

Heart is filled with joy and remembered Psalms 37:5 'Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass'.

Thank God for helping me to tract and also providing me the long wanted suitable cabinet replacement in an unexpected way!

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