Sunday, September 18, 2016

What happens to a tract after you give it to someone?

Thank God for a great encouragement that He is a Sovereign God, that His Word shall not return void unto Him but will accomplish all that He purposes, and that our labour in the Lord is not in vain.
All throughout my privileged opportunity of giving out Gospel tracts, I have not ever heard of what happened to a tract whose recipient I did not see again (occasionally I will meet with people who had previously received tracts, but those who I never saw again are a complete mystery: how did they respond? where did the tract end up? who read the tract?).
Today I heard of what happened to a tract which I gave out yesterday. I can't even remember who received that tract, but the tract ended up being located by another sister-in-Christ.
Someone in church had a student and gave her a THIS WAS YOUR LIFE tract. The little girl read it, but before reading to the end, she lost it at a shopping mall. When she was offered another tract, this little girl said that she had found another one already. Upon further inquiry and asking to see the tract, she found out from the number on the back that this was the very tract that I had given a man in the park yesterday! It turns out that he did not read the tract, being a nominal christian who rarely went to church, but his daughter found it, and read it aloud to her dad in the car.
This has been of great comfort to me. Often we know that our service is unto the Lord, whether He chooses to use our testimony of the Gospel as a savour of life unto life or as a savour of death unto death is entirely up to Him, He has a purpose for His word and it will not return unto Him void, but sometimes we can feel discouraged and wonder if God will ever use these tracts which we give to people who we know may never read them. Once the tracts leave our hands, we don't really know what happens to them and we may think that they will end up as wastepaper, but we have not seen behind the scenes, God can work in mysterious ways His wonders to perform, He is the true and Living God: His arm is not shortened.

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