Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Hardest Tract To Give

The hardest tracts to give out are to my family. I have no trouble tracting friends, strangers, but giving tracts to family make me nervous. In particular, to one of my aunties and uncles. I had heard a story previously about how they now exclude my uncle's sister from their lives because she had become Christian. Would I receive the same treatment if I tract them? But I know I must share the gospel, especially to my family. God has brought me to salvation, in a family who are mostly unsaved to save their souls. No matter how uncomfortable I feel about sharing the gospel with them, I must do it, and be content and satisfied with the outcome or consequences.  
I prayed to God to give me an opportunity and the courage to give them the chinese version of the gospel tract to them. Of course, I made sure I carried a tract with me at all times if there were any chance I would see them. An opportunity arose and I gave the gospel tract, other chinese gospel material and a mandarin gospel rally flyer to their daughter, my cousin. I told her to make sure she read it and to pass it to her brother to read afterwards. The next day, I spoke to my cousin asking her if she had read it yet. She said she wasn't into 'that stuff' so she hadn't read it. I insisted that she read it, that she just had to take a few minutes out of her day to read it properly.
The next night, the entire extended family had gathered for a steamboat dinner. After dinner, all the parents were sitting at the dining table finishing off dessert. I had finished eating my dessert and was walking passed the table to the kitchen. As I walked past, my uncle said he had something to tell me after I put away my plate. Normally, he would never really talk to me. Blood rushed to my head, I knew it must be about the tracts. This is the moment I had been dreading. As I put my plate in the sink, I prayed.
I approached my uncle, and he pulled something out of his jacket pocket. It was all the gospel material I had given my cousin, in a plastic bag. He begins by saying he has nothing against me being a christian, but to never evangelise to his family or bring that material into his house again. I swallowed and nodded. He said he had read the chinese gospel book which compares buddhism to christianity. He didn't agree with some of the statements presented in the book and told me bluntly how silly the arguement was. I nodded again. My grandfather asked me if I'm forced to donate 10% of my salary to the church. I told them its not necessary but I do donate money. He starts talking about a story about how some leaders of churches in Malaysia had run off with donation money. I know my family must have had many bad experiences with various religious figures. I walked away to the living room because I didn't want to argue, and because I wouldn't be able to argue very well in chinese anyway. From where I was sitting, I could still clearly hear their conversation.
I shared because God loves me, and regardless of the outcome, I trust God and His plan. What happened next was unbelievable. My family has never talked openly about religion before. For the first time in my life, I heard my grandparents, aunties and uncles talking about buddhism, christianity, life and death. It was so amazing! I could never have imagined giving the tract would result in this.  
I have planted the seed. Someone else may water it. But God will give the increase. I pray that my family will eventually be led to Christ and when the time comes, I can see them in heaven.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Faith Even on a Rainy Day

The story begins on Tuesday when out of the corner of my eye (squished up against the door), I saw a little white figure sitting (comfortably) on the crowded 78 bus and that was that… Or so I thought!

The original plan was to catch the CAT (bus), go to the bank, and head home for lunch/dinner. So as soon as the bus stopped at the Esplanade, I hopped off (being next to the door) and started to walk away. Then I felt something in my hand, it was tract number 25. My initial thought was “I wonder who I’ll come across today” but almost instantly the little white figure appeared back in mind. “That’s it!” I thought, heading back to the bus while practicing the art dodging people and their heavy bags. My only advice is to please avoid going against the flow of the crowd when possible :)

As soon as I spotted Shirley, I (blocked her way) asked her how she’s been then gave her the tract. As the conversation progressed from human well-being, she asked “what’s this?” “it’s a gospel tract” I replied. “oh really?” came the next response before telling me her recent attendance in some charismatic youth events. It turned out her mum met the pastor of J-Life while learning English, and he invited her children to come along to the Road Trip they’d organized.

At that point my joy just flooded. “Really? Serious?” was what I kept repeating. I said to her that I didn’t think she’d be interested but she was very positive. Thus a formal invitation to yout180 was “handed out”, to which she promised to read the tract and consider attending! Praise the Lord!

Another cousin whom I’ve not seen in almost 5 years is coming to Perth. No prize for guessing that his arrival time is the morning of September 30th!
Yup, just in time for Track number 30! Right now it’s got his name written all over it and a big invisible “RESERVED” sign.

At the start of Sept 30in30, I would not have dreamt of the chance to reach out to family. The Lord in His grace and utmost wisdom made the impossible possible. I remember heading out for lunch with my family for dim sum 3 weeks ago but as I didn’t bring my handbag, I ask mummy dearest to hold onto
2 tracts. Apparently they are still in her bag. The next step is to persuade her into a bag spring-clean and “accidentally” find the tracts :)

I’m truly in awe of God’s graceful arrangements,

“Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,” Ephesians 1: 5

Salvation is God’s work and its by the grace that God freely gives. I’m almost in tears thinking what a precious opportunity the coming of my cousins turns out to be. With the Great Commission comes great responsibility, I pray that God will give my brother and I the wisdom to share the gospel with him (esp. some translation into Chinese which will be necessary). There is no denial that God makes all thing beautiful in His time.



Thursday, September 20, 2007

In His time and in His way, He will produce a harvest if you do not give up...

It was a year ago when i first participated in September 30in30. It was my first year in Uni and i thank God for the many opportunities to share the good news to my new friends in class. (It was amazing, one after another, a day at a time, they received the tracts and heard the gospel). I still remember that month i went home each day so full of joy.

But, what happened next really discouraged me, as one by one, these friends started to avoid me. I pray to God asking why? It was sad, especially when some of them seemed receptive at first and were so closed to receiving Jesus. Did i scare them away by sharing too much? But all i did was to share about God as the Holy spirit leads. I felt quite alone after that but God comforted me each day, gave me faith to believe that He is in control and taught me to pray for these friends and not give up.

A year has passed and its September 30in30 again. For the first two weeks, though the burden for friends i see each day in class increased (especially after praying for them for a year), i lack the courage to approach them again, especially new friends (my lack of faith caused me to fear being avoided again). But, i saw how God has been working in their lives throughout the year. So much to share and give thanks but i will just share the most recent experience of God's working for now.

Yesterday in class, this girl (gave her a tract on her birthday exactly one year ago) started sharing with me about her recent drinking habits, declaring aloud that her "soul is seriously corrupted", she was actually having a hang over then. We were in the middle of an experiment and the Holy spirit prompted me to share with her again especially when she kept repeating the phrase "my soul is corrupted". However, the moment i started to share, our lecturer started talking and did not stop till class ended. We then rushed off for our next class and i did not have the chance to talk to her again. At night, i prayed asking God what He wants me to do, especialy knowing that she will be flying to the states the next day and i might not see her again for two weeks. Unless i am able to meet up with her before she leave tomorrow afternoon (but it is quite impossible as our labs sessions are different tomorrow). But God somehow assured me that He is in control and prompted me to just go to school tml prepared to share with her.

This morning, before leaving for school, i prayed asking God again for two things: OPPORTUNITY to meet her and COURAGE to share and give her the tract again to read (this time also to give to her grandfather in the states who is very sick with cancer). Though it seemed impossible, but i was reminded of this verse "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will i do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." - John 14:13.

Praise God!!! The very moment i stepped into class, i saw her sitting at my seat! (Apparently she decided not to miss lab today and swapped to my 9am class). God answered my prayer! He also gave me the courage to share with her after class, this time she was more receptive and promised to read the tract again (she said she did not really read it the last time). The best part is, when as asked her the question if she were to die tonight, does she know where she will be going, a catholic friend of ours walked pass (he was one of those who avoided me when i started to share with Him about God last year), but this time He answered no, and shared with me that actually he does not know anything about his faith, or God.. so praise God i was also able to give him a tract and spent some time sharing with him more after that. Pray for courage and faithfulness to pray and follow up with them and others who have received the tracts! Just like what is mentioned in this morning's devotion...

"Keep me faithful, keep me grateful,
This my earnest plea each day!
Keep me serving, keep me telling
Of His love while yet I may!"

Dear brothers and sister, let us not be weary in serving the Lord, for in His time and in His way, He will produce a harvest if you do not give up.

-Melissa Koh

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Group assignment leads to sinner's prayer

Angela and I had a group assignment several weeks ago. We formed a group consisting of Angela, Liu Lu, and I. Then, a guy asked Angela whether he can join our group. We hesitated for a while but then we agreed to let him in. We all knew that we are doing 30 in 30, so during our group discussion, we gave him a tract. At the time, I didn’t expect that he would read it because he didn’t quite participate much in the assignment, and was too busy playing computer games. Surprisingly, several days ago, he told me on msn that he had read the tract and that he is very interested in it. He even told me that he wanted to believe. How wonderful! God really worked in his heart! So I seized on the chance to share the gospel to him. I asked him to call me on the phone so that I could explain it more clearly to him. He called me up and I told him the verse in the bible “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” I also shared that when I accepted Christ at the gospel rally I didn’t know much about the Bible but I still knew enough to believe. I told him that after you believe, the Holy Spirit will come into you and help you understand the Bible better. Thank God, he agreed to pray and receive Christ!

The way God does things is so wonderful! If there was no 30 in 30, I may not have shared the gospel to him. If we did the assignment at other time, I probably wouldn’t have given him the tract. It is amazing that God uses this activity to let more and more people know Him and receive Him. We also need to use this opportunity to remind ourselves to give out at least one tract everyday. We can do nothing on our own. We need to rely on God, and pray for wisdom and courage to give out the tracts. “ But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth." - Acts 1:8. Another verse is “ And this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you." - 1 Corinthians 9:23

Tian Shu (Sydney)

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."
- 1 Corinthians 15:58

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tract #17 The Aboriginal, the Caucasian, and the Asian.

As I was taking my clothes out of the dryer this morning at the Laundromat, I was “slapping” myself for grabbing just one tract from the car because there were two ladies in there with me, an Aboriginal and a Caucasian lady. Leaving the Laundromat, I placed the tract on the counter in front of the aboriginal saying, “This is for you to read.” Just as I was about to leave the door, the aboriginal called out to me, “Hey! Are you a Christian?” I turned and noticed she was holding two tracts?! I was quite puzzled until I noticed that the other tract she was holding was a Vietnamese version of This Is Your Life. I thought aloud “Oh wah, I gave out that tract a couple months ago to someone here.” (How many people have read that by now?) The Caucasian lady standing behind the counter pointed at me and shouted, “You’re an evangelist! Praise the Lord!! We’re Christians too!” I turned back and we got talking. The Caucasian lady was so encouraged it was ridiculous, she just couldn’t stop talking and she was talking really fast. I really don’t know what to share from here because so much was said! So here are snippets of our conversation:

Caucasian: We need more people like you out here to evangelise… where are you from?

Me: I’m Vietnamese

Caucasian: Vietnamese?!! You can speak Vietnamese right? You gotta share the Gospel! There are so many Vietnamese people here!

Me: umm… I don’t speak Vietnamese fluently

Caucasian: Well you have to learn!! You must share the Gospel!

Caucasian: We should start a prayer meeting right here!! When is good for you??

Caucasian: This place can be used as an outreach! So many people come here, so many Vietnamese!

Caucasian: (short version) Back in the 80s, me and my husband used to have an outreach in Northbridge, providing coffee and croissants and viewing videos about Jesus. I spent all my superannuation to carpet the place. We didn’t have much but God still blessed it, and the policemen used to bring in people to sit and watch.

Me: Do you think I can leave some tracts here?

Aboriginal: Of course you can!!

Me: Great! I got a small stack in English in my car, and I have Vietnamese ones at home I can drop off.

Caucasian: Wow! Thank God! He really blesses!

…. Here she went on sharing that she has no money and had just borrowed some money from her sister to buy groceries for her family, she just got this job at the Laundromat literally 10 minutes ago offered by the aboriginal. She told me she was saved through a Gospel tract and been praying for some tracts to give out because she has no money to buy them! What makes this so amazing is that I’ve wanted to find a store around my hood to leave tracts – now God answered both of our prayers!

Thank God for this morning, it was definitely something you don’t see everyday - an Aboriginal, a Caucasian and an Asian rejoicing together in a Laundromat.

Monday, September 17, 2007

the boy at the computer

Even though this happened a few weeks ago, the memory is still stuck in my mind -
I had just finished a lecture on a particular Tuesday and was heading to the library lounge to meet up with some Curtin Fellowship members (Wednesday, 12:15pm, 401.253 sorry, couldn't resist a plug!). I arrived a bit earlier and decided to use one of the computers just to surf the net and wait for everyone to arrive. It just so happens that I used a computer next to this asian guy who was scanning what seemed to me, every page in his text book.
So I checked my email, went onto sept30in30.blogspot for a while and live-4-christ/30in30. I saw that the guy kept looking onto my computer screen and it was then when I thought I should give him a tract.
I started having an inward battle whether I should or not, if it would seem weird, if the timing was right, maybe I should hand it to him when he leaves the computer. All these questions kept popping into my head and I could see that he wasn't going to leave his computer any time soon. So I waited and continued to ask myself whether I should or not, whether to be obedient to the Holy Spirit's prompting.
I decided to pray and asked God if it is your will for me to give this guy a tract, maybe we could establish some kind of contact. As soon as I prayed that, the guy accidently made a wild pull at my mouse. He immediately apologised and there it was. Contact was made!
However, the internal fight began again and I desperately tried to get out of it making excuses that it wasn't enough of a connection to give him a tract.
I must have spent about 20 minutes contemplating whether or not I should give him a tract but then I happened to read a verse on one of the devotions on the live-4-christ website:
Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision,
Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:
For I am with thee, and no man shall set
on thee to hurt thee: for I have much
people in this city.— Acts 18:9-10
These verses really hit me and I decided there and then to stop being so afraid and that God was with me through it all. So I decided that I should make an effort to talk to the guy. And what better subject than about scanning! Yes, I asked him many questions about how to scan, the benefits of scanning and why he preferred scanning over photocopying. He actually turned out to be a nice guy and happy to answer my questions and give extra information.
As it turned out, after our scanning conversation, a few of the people I had to meet with came for the meeting so I had to log off the computer and leave. However I was able to pass him a tract. He was genuinely suprised but happy to receive it and all I could think about is why I didn't just do it earlier.
God really is patient with us and it just goes to show that when you obey God blessings abound!
~ Ruth

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Icey Ice tracted four times!

OK guys.. no more tracts to go to Icey Ice in Northbridge. :)

I gave mine to a lady there tonight and she told me that the tract was the FOURTH one they had received! I asked her if she had read the tract and she told me she hadn't yet - but now she was probably going to hehe.

She told me she had one at the counter and when I went up to place my order, she showed me the tract. On the back was participant number 62, who we later discovered was - MELISSA KOH! Apparently, the other two tracts were given by the boss to other staff members at Icey Ice to take back.

Hopefully, by receiving so many tracts, the folks there will realise that we are serious about making the Gospel known and will want to know why! (if you came across this website and you don't know what's going on, go to )

Keep 30in30 in your prayers!


One message - many readers

On 14/09/07, around 4:15 pm I gave out my 15th Gospel track to one of my colleagues who is a hygienist. In the morning that day, he passed me a childrens book he wrote, to read. So I thought I would also pass him a book to read in return....... which was the gospel tract.

So when I passed to him to read, he took a while to read. While he was reading, a female dentist walked past and asked: " What are u reading?" so he told her that he would pass it to her after he had finished reading.

After he read it, he passed it to the dentist to read. After she had finished reading it, she left it on the table. None of them seemed to be keen to keep the tract. (meanwhile, i was kinda upset seeing that tract lying on the table ... unwanted)

So here come another dentist, saw that tract on the table and asked me :"what is that?". so i told him that was a gospel tract. He picked up and started reading it. While he was reading it, a fourth person (who is a technician at the clinic) walked past and asked him what was he reading. The dentist told the technician he won't be able to finish reading that tract on that day, and he would pass it to him next week. So i "volunteer" to give the technician another tract next week.

The last thing i noticed before i went home was the dentist put the tract in his pocket and took it home with him. Hopefully he would finish reading it. I was very amazed at how many people could read that one tract. Hope that tract can go further than that!

mim min

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Week 1 (1st-7th Sept 2007)

Top 10 tracted locations in Perth for Week 1 of September 07
Perth 47
Curtin 33
Murdoch 27
Northbridge 24
South Perth 21
Claremont 16
Canning Vale 14
Bentley 20
East Perth 11

412 gospel tracts logged (probably more unlogged) in Perth

57 tracts logged in Adelaide


So there are 2 toilets in my appartment. And the other toilet's water pipe from the wall (no yucky stuff) started leaking a few months ago so I stopped using it. Now my grandparents are coming back for a holiday this Saturday night. The toilet needs to be fixed.
Now you're probably thinking....I'm a bit thirsty now.. ahha kidding. You're probably wanting me to get to the point. and I will.
So I started fixing the toilet earlier this week. I've been researching online, trying to deduce what the problem might be, going to Bunnings, asking for their advice and buy some parts, come back, try to fix it and it doesn't work. Next day, try a different idea, buy a differnt part, try again. So I've been to Bunnings pretty much every day this week. At first I thought, this is the 'bad' thing I've been waiting for. Now is my chance to thank God whether he sends me 'good' or 'bad'. Actually, its a blessing. I've been tracting to the Bunnings people everyday! haha I thanked God for sending me this trouble in disguise. So I fixed the leaking pipe yesterday!
Now...the tap which controls that pipe has started leaking!!! Back to Bunnings I go...
God has gives these problems because He loves us and wants us to learn something from it. I learnt that God gives you opportunities to share your faith in the strangest ways that you would never think of. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and glorify God. =D

Friday, September 14, 2007

All Things Work Together For Good To Them That Love God, No Matter How Stupid

When I'm not in a good mood I tend to say things that's been weighing on my chest, sometimes without thinking. Two weeks ago, I discovered that not only do I say these things, I write them too. So, knowing me, I did something not so smart. I wrote on a farewell card to a colleague that she blasphemes (yeah I know). A couple of days later, I calmed down and it hit me what I had done and I started to stress, especially now it's not going to be easy to tract her (I made a decision a while back that I'll have to tract all my colleagues - especially those who are leaving the company). The day of the farewell morning tea came (yesterday), and I prayed to God like there's no tomorrow. Usually people read the card over morning tea, and if something funny or striking was written, they would read it out loud to the entire staff. So there I am at morning tea, watching the card, praying in my head, "Okay God, please help me with this, I'm ready, I'm ready to defend Your name, let's do it.". I saw my colleague pull it out of the envelope and then said, "Oh, I read this later." phew.. (or was it?). Went back to work and about an hour later, my colleague comes to my office door, "I read my card" (O ohh) "You have nice writing but why did you have to write that in my card!". I thought, "Nuts, here we go.". We started "talking", as she stepped inside my office, strangely enough, she turned and looked directly to (what I call) my "evangelism corner" of my desk where I have my daily encouragement calendar and a few different tracts, it became silent for about a second. I wondered what she was thinking and thought is it time to give her a tract? But then she turned to me and continued to argue that she does not blaspheme (yeah, it wasn't the time). Anyway, after some time she walked away leaving me feeling very unsettled. I prayed. I don't like being disliked.

Later driving to uni, I prayed again. In class, I prayed again, asking God what He wanted me to do and if could He do something about this. I was reminded to look to His Word. So in class, I whipped out my bible to the book of James. I read about true faith is shown in good works. So I thought, if I really believe God will fix this up, I had to do something good, something right, something that would show God's love. So I decided to get her a box of chocolates (she loves chocolate) and more importantly give her a tract too. On the way back to the office, I started to chicken out, justifying, "Oh, this is her last day, I'll never see her again.. didn't really know her anyway.. don't worry about." But then I was reminded of the verse.. Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." I said to God, "But God, you know I love you.." and then conviction, if I really do love Him - then show it in action! Cos that's what love is - a verb! And so I prayed again, this time, I really wanted to do it for God, for His glory and not to make things right with me (so she can like me).

Anxiously waiting in my office at about 5:30pm, I started to hear my colleague say her farewells, then silence. 5 minutes or so later, I walked out to the open area, and asked another colleague where she was, she told me she had gone. I walked back in my room puzzled. I really thought God wanted me to talk to her and tract her. I prayed, His Word seem to have pointed in this direction. I was sad. But then suddenly I hear the security door open "beep beep", and a voice, "I'm back!" it was my colleague!! She came into my office. We hugged, we spoke, I gave her the box of chocolates, and I gave her a tract saying, "I'm a Christian, I really can't let you go without telling you this." Thank God she accepted it well and our little talk went well. And I tracted her!! I don't think I would have been so serious about this tract if I didn't make this "mistake". This year in 30in30, God is really showing me the power of prayer. The two tracts which I prayed fervently about, I witnessed God at work, and the experiences are unforgettable!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

another Christian bus driver!

I tracted my bus driver again today... This is what happened:

Me: Here, this is for you - you can have a read when your shift ends! It's a Gospel Tract!
Peter (the 794 bus driver): About Jesus I hope!
Me: *stunned mullet expression*
Peter (the 794 bus driver): I'm a Christian!
Me: Really? That's great, well maybe you can pass it on to one of your friends
Peter (the 794 bus driver): Thanks. I will!
Me: Thanks! Have a great day!
Peter (the 794 bus driver): shouts while driving off into the sunset God bless you!

This has happened before. Christians tracted (and enouraged) so far: 3 (Praise God!)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Little Picture, Big Purpose

We had our carpet at home cleaned this morning. I had been looking forward to this morning as I had already decided to give Tim, the Carpet Guy a tract.

As I was waiting for him to turn up, I looked at my Lounge Room and thought, "Would anyone who comes here know that we are Christians?" There are 2 framed Cross-stitch pieces (a clock that says 'Jesus Saves' and a smaller piece, 'The Lord is my Shepherd'). I decided to complete this other piece which I had been working on and have it framed, as I felt that what was on the wall were not obvious enough.

Ahhhh, but God can use anything, big or small, for His wonderful purpose.

Tim came on the dot at 9:45 am and started to set up his machine, while I made him a cup of coffee. He came round to the kitchen and asked me if I go to Church, as he had been looking at the pictures I had on the wall. My heart skipped a bit and thanked God! We started chatting about going to church, spirituality, life and modern medicine. He was quite opened about himself to me and spoke of his past- alcoholic father, his fight with depression, and how he took steps to change his life. he is reading a lot and continues to learn about life now. As we chat, I prayed in my heart for God to help me say the right things, to help me be a good testimony for Him. As much as I can, I introduced God, Christ and my own personal experiences as a Christian into the conversation. Apparently he did go to church when he was a child, but only to exchange stamps. He did find that quite ridiculous now but did not think otherwise when he was young. I didn't quite get to share the Gospel with him, but managed to hand him a tract and suggested that he have a look at more articles online on the Jack Chick website and Creation Ministries website. He was quite interested and so I pray that he will find more answers in his search for the Truth.

I thank God that He had created this great opportunity for me to share instead of merely handing Tim a tract to read. It was a good training experience for me to share without fear. Please pray for Tim.

All glory to our most gracious and wonderful Lord!!


The Tract Reminded me I'm a Christian

I was at a petrol station yesterday and when I got there, the attendant was outside and said that she cannot authorise the pump for another 5 minutes. She then proceeded to unhook all the premium unleaded pumps as I stood their waiting and watching, asking whether I could help. The man at the next bowser got frustrated and left but I stayed there, remembering that I could also give the petrol station attendant a tract. After what seemed like 20min, she was inside and switched the pump on. After I finished I went inside to pay and she apologised again and while I was getting my tract ready, she gave me 4c/Litre off even though I didnt have a voucher. The tract reminded me that I am a Christian, and God helped me to react in a way that glorifies him.

Sometimes we sow the seeds... Sometimes we fertilize the ground

At 11:20am, a lady came with her shopping to the shop where I work in Centro Maddington. But instead of asking for printer ink the first thing she said was - "I want to say thank you to whoever it was that passed that booklet to my husband yesterday".

My boss and I were a little puzzled at first but she added - "I'm a Christian, but my husband isn't. But that is changing now after he read the booklet you gave him yesterady. He used to think that once you do one wrong thing then that's it. No more chances. No way to be forgiven. I'm so happy because his thinking has changed now his sins can be forgiven."

We can never really know if we are first planting a seed, or if we are adding fertilizer to the ground so please keep praying for the tracts that are being given out. I wish I could give you a tract number but I can't remember which one I gave to this man but please pray for him anyway. Praise God becaues I know if this husband seeks God with his whole heart, we'll see him in heaven. - Darrell

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Weed and Alcohol have I none but such as I have give I thee

Fred and I were in the city last night and while we were talking to a guy on the benches near the library, one 19yo guy walked past shouting out asking whether we had any "weed". I took the opportunity to offer him a tract and he took it with a smile asking what it was. When I told him that it was a booklet about Chrisitanity, he said "oh cool" and started looking at it. I asked him whether if he was to die tonight, would he be sure whether he is going to heaven? A long conversation ensued, talking about his experiences with "astro-projection", drugs, oujia boards, suances etc and while he didn't really believe in Christianity, I showed him the verse "And ye shall seek me and find me, if ye search for me with all your heart" and prayed with him that God will give him faith to believe in God sufficiently for him to be saved. Pray for Marcus.
- Tract #0915 Adrian
On the way back sitting on the curb obviously drunk was a young Irish guy. I asked if he was ok and he said he was just very drunk. I offered him a tract "don't try to read it right now, save it for when you are a little more sober". - Tract #0914

One of the Many Ways God can Use a Tract

I have been chatting to my colleague, Gordon, about Christianity for some time. When we have the time, we would talk about our beliefs. He used to go to church when he was young, but has doubts about God. He’s a very nature-loving person and does not believe in one religion. A few months ago, I gave him the “Evolution – Fact or Fiction” booklet and he said that he’ll read it when he has the time. A few months passed, and one day, after cleaning his desk, he came to me to return the booklet saying that he had not read it. He had read the back of the booklet and thought that if he read it, he’d just spend the whole time arguing with it, i.e. the booklet. So, he decided to return it to me to pass to other people.

On Sunday, I picked up three “smaller” (i.e. less pages) tracts (Good News, You’re Special and God’s Bridge to Eternal Life) for him, thinking that he’d have less time “arguing” them. The next day, I realised that I had accidentally left the God’s Bridge to Eternal Life tract in another bag. I “kicked” myself for not bringing that tract with me because for some reason, I really wanted to give that tract to him. I kept wondering how I could’ve taken those two tracts out of that bag, but “left” that behind. But I decided to pass him the other two first, which he accepted gladly, and said that he’d read them on the train.

The next day, I remembered the God’s Bridge to Eternal Life tract and brought it to work. I was hoping that he’d also be receptive to accept this tract. When Gordon returned the other two tracts, he said that he likes the You’re Special tract, but not so much the other one. I took that opportunity and gave him the God’s Bridge to Eternal Life tract. Thank God he accepted it and promised he’d read it. He went back to his desk, put it on top of his PC and got back to work. Not too long after, our regional manager, Mark, came over and talked to him for quite awhile. After Mark left, Gordon came to me and asked if I heard what they were talking about. I didn’t because I had my earphone on. He excitedly said that Mark came by to talk to him. He saw the tract and began to chat to him about Christianity. Mark, who’s also a pastor, shared with Gordon about Christ’s Love and discipleship. Gordon was receptive of the sharing about loving one another. He also mentioned that, as Mark was sharing, he was scribbling down some of the things, which he liked. I have yet to ask him what he’s written down.

That was about two weeks ago. And this morning, Gordon said that he was thinking about church yesterday and will consider going to Mark’s church. Praise God. I can now see God’s amazing work through all these. What I thought was an “accident”, i.e. leaving the God’s Bridge to Eternal Life tract in the bag at home, was part of God’s plan to have Mark witness to Gordon.

With Sept 30in30, through this experience, God has shown me that I may not be the one to share the gospel with the person who receives a tract from me, but God can use the tract to draw other believer’s attention to witness to that person. This is just one of the many amazing ways God can use a tract to draw people to Him.

posted by Hui Ling

Monday, September 10, 2007

the Red CAT driver surprises an unsuspecting 30in30 commuter

This post is a little delayed but here it is anyways... On Friday afternoon, I jumped on the Red CAT bus in the city. When I got on, the bus driver smiled at me and as I stood on the bus, I started thinking if I should tract the bus driver. So after a quick prayer (as well as reminding myself that he did smile at me and he did look pretty friendly - so he was more likely to take the tract), I passed him a tract saying 'this is for you - hope you read it when you get the chance'.

When he took it, his smile got larger and he said 'Praise the Lord! I'm a believer too!'. I said 'Really?!?!' and then he said, 'in fact, I am a Pastor of a Church!'. I can't remember what I said after that but I was genuinely surprised - and absoultely encouraged (as he was too I'm sure!).

30in30 is full of surprises!

PS - 1 minute after getting off the CAT bus I was tracted by a young Korean girl from a Presbyterian church! Double-dose of encouragement! Thankyou God! You knew just what I needed and gave it just when I needed it!

Coincidence?? Don't Think So!!

(This is not my own testimony but is one of Lilian's. I wanted to share it coz it really amazed me of how God works!!)

So, she introduced me to a new girl - Debbie - on Sunday and we talked and asked her how she came to our church. Apparently, Lilian went to McDonald's drive through and gave a tract to Debbie when ordering her meal and so amazingly Debbie was looking for a church to go to and so they exhanged contacts blah blah...Then i asked where she lives and it turned out that she lives in the same building as Victor!!! I mean what is the chance of that happening!! So, Victor is able to give her a lift to church now on Sundays ^^ God is Good!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007


I dont know what title to give to this testimony but i can only say PRAISE GOD for answered prayers and PRAISE GOD for His amazing ways of opening doors for the seed of the gospel to be planted!

Indeed, it is not what we ask for but HOW we ask for it - with a willing heart to obey our Father! This all happen on Wednesday after attending Curtin Fellowship, i wanted to try out "Icey Ice" in Northbridge and another brother wanted to get his haircut. So, in the end, 5 of us - Karen, Kwanthar, Jerome, Victor and Heng Lee went to the city without knowing that God has a higher purpose for our trip to the city!!

At Icey Ice, we were able to tract the ladies at the counter and after encouragement from brothers and sister in Christ, i took up the courage to tract these 3 girls sitting behind us and it turned out that one of them is a Christian who attends a church on Canning Hwy and she hasnt shared the gospel to her other 2 friends and i told her about Sept 30in30 that we are doing so prayerfully this will be an encouragement and a reminder for her to share the gospel with her friends! God's work doesnt stop there though.

We then went to Grace's saloon as Heng Lee needed a haircut and i saw this girl - Winnie - whom i spoke and tracted to during CT evangelism! Surely this cannot be a coincidence. And after encouragement from brothers and sister in Christ, i took up the courage to talk to her again. But this time she wasnt too keen in talking about this topic but hopefully it reminded her of what she has read from the tracts. However, as Adrian says "as one door closes, God opens another door" for us!

Kwanthar and Karen were sitting and waiting and they got into a conversation with a guy - Garrison - who was waiting for his haircut and they started to share the gospel to him. Thank God Garrison was really receptive! Karen nudged me to join in the convo and to do some translation for them into mandarin and as the process went on, i was able to share the gospel to him in Mandarin which surprised me as well to be able to do that coz somehow God gave me the words to speak in Mandarin biblical terms. It was also an answered prayer as i had made a little quiet prayer in my heart to want to share the gospel to someone and God hears my little prayer! Do pray for Garrison...his mum is a Christian but his dad is not and in the end he said he will think seriously about accepting Christ into his heart and he knows that that decision is important..

At the same time, God used Victor to catch up with Maureen as well who has not been coming to church. So, pray for Maureen as well!

Do not be discouraged, God is with us ALWAYS He promised!

Friday, September 7, 2007

I am a Little Trigger Happy

I experience the Power of Prayer this week. Our Lord God truly replies in extraordinary ways that touch and encourage us beyond our wildest imagination. Now I fully understand when God says "no", "yes" or "wait". It is not what we ask for. It is HOW we ask- with a willing heart.

Last Friday I shared with Regeneration about a surprising chat I had with Paul, a worker at Red Castle Hotel (where I help my ex-boss). I had been avoiding him for quite some time as I told myself not to associate with "undesirable characters". As Sep30in30 drew nearer, Renz and I wondered if we would end up giving Paul a tract. I thought 'why not', but decided to take the "chicken" way out, by handing it to an easier target, Tania, Paul's girlfriend. Well, the Lord knows my heart and taught me to face my fear by creating opportunities I cannot, and dare not, turn my back on.

Thank God for all your prayers, because Paul was the recipient of Tract 2402 on Monday.

Then God showed me more than facing my fear. He taught me trust and listen to Him.

As I was leaving Red Castle (after handing a tract to Paul), I saw Robert, another Red Castle worker whom I had also been avoiding. We waved at each other, and it struck me that I should give him a tract. Being reminded of the "quick-draw" message shared by Adrian during the Saturday breakfast, I did a quick u-turn, stopped Robert in his track, rolled down my window and put Tract 2402 on the pizza box he was carrying. Thank God I listened to him and trusted him enough not to drive on home!

The next day, Paul came to thank me in front of Mrs Wee (the Boss: self confessed blind-faith Catholic) for the booklet. Mrs Wee asked "what booklet?" I had toyed with the idea of giving Mrs Wee a tract, but never thought it would happen. Well, God turns ideas into reality. So having had my practice with the "quick draw" method, I said, "Well… here" and handed her Tract 2404.

I had to maintain my composure but what I really wanted to do that day was to jump up and down, screaming "WooHoo!!! Praise God!!"

God has not stopped answering my prayers since I learn to ask with an honest and willing heart. Today, Friday 07 Sept, God answered my prayer 4-fold. All I asked was to be given a chance to give 1 tract (to make up for the last 2 days) and more if He would use me to. Praise God for helping me hand out 4 tracts. Please pray for all of them.

I have to admit that I still feel fear, but I learn that the less I think, the less I fear. So my dear brothers and sisters, each time the devil tries to stop you with fear and discouraging thoughts, hold a tract in your hand and "Quick-Draw"!!

(Don't bother aiming, just shoot because God will do the aiming for you. Yes I am trigger happy now.)


30in30 is also about encouraging one another

Encourage one another, and edify one another - 1 Thessalonians 5:11a
Sometimes God gives us an experience not just for us to learn something from it, but to benefit other people. Maybe it was a situation that made you laugh or see the power of God's grace and guidance. I have heard some really amazing testimonies in the last few days which are better told by the participants themselves. If you would like it to be checked before uploading, email even if you just have a short testimony please upload 2 encourage.
Just like sharing the gospel, sharing your experiences in evangelism does benefit someone else. It may be used by God to help illustrate a lesson in evangelism or it may help to encourage someone to give out the tract that is sitting in their pocket right NOW in Sydney, Melbourne, Brunei, Adelaide, Singapore or Perth!  Do you have an experience in mind?
On to other things.. some people have difficulty knowing what to say to people when they give out tracts. Here are a few. If you have any more, add them in the comments section below this post.
"Have you received one of these?"
"Here's a booklet about Christianity"
"If... you were to die tonight, are you sure you will be going to heaven?"
"Hi, someone asked me to give this to you"
"This is for you"
"Here's something for you to read"
Here are some ideas for places to give out tracts:
Crowded places
Drive thru attendants
Friends and family that you have been meaning to share the gospel with
Bus stops
Taxi drivers
Cafes where people are just waiting for something to do
If you are lacking in zeal and need a message to stir up your burden for the lost follow this link and click on "Militant Evangelism" or watch the Revival hymn posted a few days ago.
Don't know what this is all about?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

the check-out-chick gets encouraged

Today I went to buy some food from Woolies in the city and decided that whoever scans my stuff will get tract #2505. The girl said 'is this a comic or something?' and I told her it was a Gospel Tract. She smiled and said 'I am a Christian - and I do this (give out tracts) sometimes too'. She seemed quite encouraged. :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Making every moment count

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." God can use any situation that you are in for His glory. I experienced that today while I was at Curtin uni, just coming back from a curtin fellowship meeting when Kwanthar, Joe and I ran into Nova. She was on her way home, so I offered to give her a lift back plus join us for dinner along the way =) but when I went to start my car, it wasn't working. Then I realised I left my lights on the entire day! silly me, oh no! Kman went to call his friend Matthew, for help, and thank God he agreed to come. I was already thinking "Oooo I can give him a tract!" and while waiting for him to come, out there in the carpark was just a awesome, unmissable opportunity to give out tracts. I had already given out the 30in30 tracts that I brought, so we used the spare tracts in my car, and in that while, me and nova and kman were able to give out lots of tracts to the many people walking past. It was a good experience for Nova too, she had never given out a tract before, and her approach was so simple and sweet: "This is God's gift for you." Awww. Matthew then came with his girlfriend, Jacinta, and while Matthew and Kwanthar were jumpstarting my car, I was able to pass a tract and talk to Jacinta. It was such a blessing and Kwanthar told us that he was trying to talk to Jacinta for a while ["because if Jacinta comes to Christ Matt will be more receptive too"] so thank God for answered prayers! After saying goodbye to Matt we prayed for all the tracts given out that day, and another thing is that I prayed this morning asking God to grant me situations to talk to people and give out tracts, and I got more than what I expected! Praise God!

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Eph 3:20-21

What a joy it is to speak of what Christ has done for us!

What else will September bring?

God really can work through incredible means to reach people. For a few years, my brother and I have been sharing the gospel to my mother without much result or change in her receptiveness. It seems that no matter what we say, her response is always "you both are brainwashed by your religion". Tonight mum asked me to accompany her to visit a lawyer at his house because he offers free legal advice (we needed some information about retaining walls). The gentleman's name is Gabriel Patrick, an elderly man, perhaps around 65 years of age. He was originally from Sri Lanka and continues to pratice at a well-known Perth law firm. I thought that it would be an interesting opportunity to hand out my tract (#03) to this lawyer so I prepared myself for the opportunity to do so. When we arrived at his house in Atwell, I noticed a small statue of the Last Supper on his dining table... immediately I was intrigued... is he Christian too?

My mum has been trying to get some advice for some time, but it seems that most lawyers won't give you any without some form of payment or obligation (not trying to bad mouth em at all). However Mr Patrick was so generous to take time (after work) to read through everything, even to call his friends and organise for help. It turns out he goes to the Baptist Church just across the street from his house and every Saturday he offers free legal advice in the church from 1pm to 3pm. As for payment, he asked for nothing in return except that if we visited the church, to give a small offering for the Lord. He struggled to read some numbers from the phone book and shared with us that he had mild cataracts and his eyesight had been degenerating. After we finished going through all the documents, he informed us that he was scheduled for eye surgery on the 14th of September. However he has had other eye problems with blisters and tear ducts so doctors advised him not to proceed with the surgery. However there was a chance that it could come good, so Mr Patrick said "If God wills it, then it will be okay".

Then something amazing started... Maybe my mum was just in a good mood (because he'd helped her) but she said to Mr Patrick "God bless for your surgery". That left me speechless... then she said "my son is a Christian too, and I believe there is a God, but I don't believe in any religion". Then God moved and Mr Patrick started to share his testimony to my mum. He shared how he started as a Catholic, was saved just before getting married. God was always with him throughout his life, performing many personal miracles. Earlier in his law career, he decided to move his family out of Sri Lanka to Australia because of all the corruption and terrorism. One of his close friends (also a lawyer) was shot dead trying to migrate to Canada and that was the last straw. It seemed impossible to leave the country, but by another miracle of God, a plane was organised for Him and 3 months later (1984), he brought his family to Perth. It was such a moving story and now he serves the Lord by offering his 'talents' freely to those who need it.

I did give my 3rd tract to Mr Patrick, and he asked for my phone number too... Hey perhaps he can pass the tract onto someone else? He has a prayer request that perhaps we can help with.

I mentioned earlier that the 14th of September 2007 is his operation date. Let's pray together for him and may the Lord guide the surgeon to help restore his eyesight.

It shows me just how important it is to have our testimonies ready to share (we need more online guys! After our meeting I took mum out for dinner and it allowed us to talk about God and the gospel through the evening. What started as a small step of obedience to help mum turned out to be a blessing to my soul. Father, please keep watering that gospel seed in my mum's heart. All praise and glory to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

I wonder what else September will bring?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Adventure in Water

Hi all,

For those of you who dont know me, I am the cousin of
Selina, Kenny and Heng Lee. I have been invited to
share my testimony with you guys about my near death,
drowning experience. Here's how the story goes!

On the 25th of Aug @ 730pm as my bros' and sis' of
both our cell groups were heading to the water
village, the unimaginable happened. Our boat capsized!

"I can't swim!" yelled Soan. Before we could all react
to the water splashing in, we were in the water
already. It was really dark and I couldn't see
anything. We were all struggling to grab onto
something or someone. I just felt heavy pushing me
into the water and I tried to splatter my feet, hoping
to rise above the water, it worked for awhile but
before long, I was back in the water again. In my
heart, I could only called out to the Lord, "Lord,
please save us! I don't wanna die! Not yet! I still
have my 30 in 30 to do! Please Lord, Please! Then
there was total darkness....I think I passed out for
awhile cos I don't remember till this day when the
marines arrived.

Suddenly, I felt someone pulling my right hand from
above the water and that's when i regained
consciousness. I remember seeing a stalky young man
dressed in navy blue uniform. He was my hero! "Are you
ok? Can you climb onto the boat?" he asked!

As I climbed up the boat, I could see the rest of the
guys, on other boats. Thank God that all 13 of us

I can tell you that it was no short of a miracle that
my bros & sis' and I are alive today! I am truly
grateful to God for his mercies and his grace and am
very sure that God was the one who alerted the
marines. If it wasn't for HIM, I don't think I would
be typing this right now. You could say that I was
given a second chance in life.
When I think about the incident, I still get goose
bumps; just imagine, if something had happened to one
of us, what if I had died, then the people wouldn't be
visiting me at the hospital but I would be lying in a
casket! And I wouldn't be able to tell how God saved

Through this incident, God showed me that:
HE is faithful – he heard our cry for help and he did
not leave us or forsake us.

Life is fragile – in those 5 to 10 mins, if the
marines' had not showed up, I think I would be in
paradise by now. So, cherish your life!

HE is indeed Emmanuel – even though sometimes we don't
feel HIS presence doesn't mean that HE's not present,
but HE is and HE will always be there for us, no
matter what!

In HIS time – God has a time for everything in our
lives. You know how sometimes you pray and pray and
you don't get an immediate answer and you doubt if
HE's actually listening; I have learnt that it is true
that HE has always 3 answers to prayer – YES, NO, or
Of course, in our case, he responded really quickly!
When I was in the water and I asked HIM to save us –
that was the shortest prayer I have ever said in my
life and the quickest one that God answered!
One more question that we can meditate on, if you were
to die today and when you stand in front of the Lord
and he asked you, "What have you done for me when you
were on earth?" What would your answer be?
God bless!
Nicole aka "the lady who almost drowned in the Brunei
River!(that's what the doctors referred to me as in
the hospital)"

NiCoLe @ Yek Lu

30in30 Big Breakfast

This is the video that was shown @ the Big Breakfast on Saturday.

The Power of Continous Prayer

Why should we pray?
Simply put, it makes the impossible POSSIBLE!!!!

Firstly let me give a little introduction of myself. 2007 has been the most amazing year of MY LIFE. The Lord and my savour Jesus Christ has finally broken through the barriers of my heart that withheld my spiritul beliefs.
In this short amount of time, God was able to change my life and has had such a big impact on me that I can not longer deny His existance, His glory, His works, His love.

A big blessing was the reuniting of mum, dad and I together as a family after 13 yrs of seperation. Boy was I happy when i got the news that dad was coming to Australia 3 weeks ago. THANK GOD!!!

Fast forward to Thursday 30th of August, 10:30pm.
Mum and dad were arguing, dad couldn't adapt to the way of life and having a family after 13 yrs of solitude. Everyone was in tears and it looked like my family was about to be separated once again.
Boy oh Boy did i pray! I prayed for God to give me the strength and to keep a clear head in such emotional times.
AND GUESS WHAT???!!! Everything turned out great!!!!!

And as a BONUS, the Lord Almighty was also able to use the sitution at hand and answered the prayers that I've had for a past few weeks. As you can imagine, being a Christian in a family of Buddhists has not been easy. Mum saw me wearing a cross one day, and angrily told me to take it off as I was a "buddhist"! Can you believe that!!!! I can!!! That what my mum is like.

So after mum and dad's argument that night, I prayed to the Lord again and asked Him if this was the time to tell mum, I prayed for the courage not to be ashamed of God. I stuttered for a long time but eventually and amazingly I said it. What followed seems to be the longest silence of my life, felt like time had stopped.
"NO. No, you cannot be Chrsitian"

...And my heart split in half. I could not say a word, i was shocked, stunned, empty, lost.
But what happened next TRUELY was a work of God. After what seemed like an eternity, Mum suddenly remembered a girl who used to work for her. She was a Christian, who's actions reflected Christ's attributes. She was a living testimony. Her impact on mum was so deep that even though its been 3 years since she quit and despite countless employees since then, mum still remembers her and everything she stood for.

Finally, mum said, "If Christanity is going to make you a better person, then go ahead! I want you to be happy!!!".
Happy wasn't even the right word to describe how I felt!!

So Thank You Stephanie(the girl/ex-employee).Thank You Almighty Father in Heaven.
It is the most amazing feeling when you see God at work.

YOU, too, can experience God's grace. Open your eyes, count your blessings, AND pray. If it sincere, from the heart, genuine and according to God's will, trust me, you will get an answer. Just remember to removed the clouded greys areas from one's heart.

Last but not least, a big thanks goes out to all those that prayed in the 24hrs leading up to September 30 in 30.
It just goes to show how God can change our lives through the Power of Prayer.

William Peng

Sunday, September 2, 2007

the piercer gets tracted

Yesterday (saturday) I got my ears pierced for the very first time. I decided before doing so, that whoever was to pierce my ears was the one who would get the tract numbered 2501. After having a nice conversation with the man who caused me much pain, I handed him the tract after paying. He asked what it was and I told him it was a gospel tract - and that he should read it when he gets a spare moment.
He took the tract, flipped through it quickly and said thankyou with a smile.
He was left with a tract, and I was left with a permament reminder of the person who got my first 30in30 tract for 2007!
rowena #25

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Best Evangelism Experience

Today was absolutely the best evangelism day in my Christian walk so far! I was able to share the Gospel or more like, speak anything about Christianity to my mother. It is not as if she accepted Christ, but you might understand the significance of today for me, if I told you this: I had always felt that she is the most difficult person including all my friends, relatives, or colleagues to engage in Christianity talk. Perhaps a part of me had given up ever sharing the Gospel to her.

I understand this is just the start of a long road, and I need to continue to pray to God about the right timing and ask Him for opportunities to talk more about God. Slowly but surely, one step at a time.

As for today, I suppose I can rest in peace, assured that I have at least taken the first step. Thank you Lord for today, you do indeed make the impossible possible.


P.S. I must not forget to mention that I feel it all happened today, being the first day of September 30in30 after all of our sincere prayers in 24 hour prayer:)