Sunday, September 16, 2007

Icey Ice tracted four times!

OK guys.. no more tracts to go to Icey Ice in Northbridge. :)

I gave mine to a lady there tonight and she told me that the tract was the FOURTH one they had received! I asked her if she had read the tract and she told me she hadn't yet - but now she was probably going to hehe.

She told me she had one at the counter and when I went up to place my order, she showed me the tract. On the back was participant number 62, who we later discovered was - MELISSA KOH! Apparently, the other two tracts were given by the boss to other staff members at Icey Ice to take back.

Hopefully, by receiving so many tracts, the folks there will realise that we are serious about making the Gospel known and will want to know why! (if you came across this website and you don't know what's going on, go to )

Keep 30in30 in your prayers!


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