Saturday, September 8, 2007


I dont know what title to give to this testimony but i can only say PRAISE GOD for answered prayers and PRAISE GOD for His amazing ways of opening doors for the seed of the gospel to be planted!

Indeed, it is not what we ask for but HOW we ask for it - with a willing heart to obey our Father! This all happen on Wednesday after attending Curtin Fellowship, i wanted to try out "Icey Ice" in Northbridge and another brother wanted to get his haircut. So, in the end, 5 of us - Karen, Kwanthar, Jerome, Victor and Heng Lee went to the city without knowing that God has a higher purpose for our trip to the city!!

At Icey Ice, we were able to tract the ladies at the counter and after encouragement from brothers and sister in Christ, i took up the courage to tract these 3 girls sitting behind us and it turned out that one of them is a Christian who attends a church on Canning Hwy and she hasnt shared the gospel to her other 2 friends and i told her about Sept 30in30 that we are doing so prayerfully this will be an encouragement and a reminder for her to share the gospel with her friends! God's work doesnt stop there though.

We then went to Grace's saloon as Heng Lee needed a haircut and i saw this girl - Winnie - whom i spoke and tracted to during CT evangelism! Surely this cannot be a coincidence. And after encouragement from brothers and sister in Christ, i took up the courage to talk to her again. But this time she wasnt too keen in talking about this topic but hopefully it reminded her of what she has read from the tracts. However, as Adrian says "as one door closes, God opens another door" for us!

Kwanthar and Karen were sitting and waiting and they got into a conversation with a guy - Garrison - who was waiting for his haircut and they started to share the gospel to him. Thank God Garrison was really receptive! Karen nudged me to join in the convo and to do some translation for them into mandarin and as the process went on, i was able to share the gospel to him in Mandarin which surprised me as well to be able to do that coz somehow God gave me the words to speak in Mandarin biblical terms. It was also an answered prayer as i had made a little quiet prayer in my heart to want to share the gospel to someone and God hears my little prayer! Do pray for Garrison...his mum is a Christian but his dad is not and in the end he said he will think seriously about accepting Christ into his heart and he knows that that decision is important..

At the same time, God used Victor to catch up with Maureen as well who has not been coming to church. So, pray for Maureen as well!

Do not be discouraged, God is with us ALWAYS He promised!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing... I pray that God will give me the words to share the gospel with my friends. I'm guilty of not sharing with them for so mnay years, so it's time for me to pray, pray and pray!