Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What else will September bring?

God really can work through incredible means to reach people. For a few years, my brother and I have been sharing the gospel to my mother without much result or change in her receptiveness. It seems that no matter what we say, her response is always "you both are brainwashed by your religion". Tonight mum asked me to accompany her to visit a lawyer at his house because he offers free legal advice (we needed some information about retaining walls). The gentleman's name is Gabriel Patrick, an elderly man, perhaps around 65 years of age. He was originally from Sri Lanka and continues to pratice at a well-known Perth law firm. I thought that it would be an interesting opportunity to hand out my tract (#03) to this lawyer so I prepared myself for the opportunity to do so. When we arrived at his house in Atwell, I noticed a small statue of the Last Supper on his dining table... immediately I was intrigued... is he Christian too?

My mum has been trying to get some advice for some time, but it seems that most lawyers won't give you any without some form of payment or obligation (not trying to bad mouth em at all). However Mr Patrick was so generous to take time (after work) to read through everything, even to call his friends and organise for help. It turns out he goes to the Baptist Church just across the street from his house and every Saturday he offers free legal advice in the church from 1pm to 3pm. As for payment, he asked for nothing in return except that if we visited the church, to give a small offering for the Lord. He struggled to read some numbers from the phone book and shared with us that he had mild cataracts and his eyesight had been degenerating. After we finished going through all the documents, he informed us that he was scheduled for eye surgery on the 14th of September. However he has had other eye problems with blisters and tear ducts so doctors advised him not to proceed with the surgery. However there was a chance that it could come good, so Mr Patrick said "If God wills it, then it will be okay".

Then something amazing started... Maybe my mum was just in a good mood (because he'd helped her) but she said to Mr Patrick "God bless for your surgery". That left me speechless... then she said "my son is a Christian too, and I believe there is a God, but I don't believe in any religion". Then God moved and Mr Patrick started to share his testimony to my mum. He shared how he started as a Catholic, was saved just before getting married. God was always with him throughout his life, performing many personal miracles. Earlier in his law career, he decided to move his family out of Sri Lanka to Australia because of all the corruption and terrorism. One of his close friends (also a lawyer) was shot dead trying to migrate to Canada and that was the last straw. It seemed impossible to leave the country, but by another miracle of God, a plane was organised for Him and 3 months later (1984), he brought his family to Perth. It was such a moving story and now he serves the Lord by offering his 'talents' freely to those who need it.

I did give my 3rd tract to Mr Patrick, and he asked for my phone number too... Hey perhaps he can pass the tract onto someone else? He has a prayer request that perhaps we can help with.

I mentioned earlier that the 14th of September 2007 is his operation date. Let's pray together for him and may the Lord guide the surgeon to help restore his eyesight.

It shows me just how important it is to have our testimonies ready to share (we need more online guys! ichoselife.blogspot.com). After our meeting I took mum out for dinner and it allowed us to talk about God and the gospel through the evening. What started as a small step of obedience to help mum turned out to be a blessing to my soul. Father, please keep watering that gospel seed in my mum's heart. All praise and glory to You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

I wonder what else September will bring?

1 comment:

small steps to glory said...

Wow! Awesome testimony! Praise God :)