Monday, September 29, 2014

Hellbound - Enough of a Prompting for You?

As the 886 Bus pulled up at North Perth Plaza, I noticed a man dressed in a dark grey hoodie with sunglasses and with those 'pant-chains'. He looked really dangerous and I remember thinking to myself 'I wonder if he is going to board the bus - I hope he doesn't.'

He did get on the bus and as he did I noticed his jumper which read: Hellbound. It struck me and it was as though it was a rebuke for my previous thoughts. And yes, he was 'Hellbound' if he didn't know Christ. So I prayed for the courage to pass the tract to him as I left the bus. I passed it to him and he took and said thanks. As the bus rolled away, I saw that his head was down and he was reading the tract.

Thank God he took it and pray for his soul. @ 9:03am in Mt Lawley on Monday 22/9/14

Small Talk Generates Conversations of Eternal Value

As I walked towards the my train platform, I was praying that I would be able to give a tract so someone since I had left uni a lot earlier that day and it wasn't peak traffic time. As I started to walk down the stairs, I spied a white head and thought 'alright, I might go and talk to her'. So I walked towards and stood next to her. Praying that I would have contact with her somehow.

A few minutes later, she looked at me and smiled and I said: 'Hi!'. Then I started talking about the weather (another Evangelism Café tip) and so she started talking to. But there's only so much you can talk concerning the weather so we stopped talking. Then I reached into my handbag and asked her if she had seen one of these before and said that I would like to give it to her. She took and flipped through it. She told me she was from the Church of England (Anglican). Pray that she will read it (she popped it into her bag).

But yes, talking about the weather does work even though it seems odd and random! @ 11:15am on Tuesday 23/9/14 in the Perth City.

Second Chances Come to Those Looking

Very thankful that God gave me a second chance to pass a tract.

I boarded the busy train but managed to find a seat. And I as I looked at the lady sitting next to me, I realised (with a shock) that I had seen her before a few days ago. She was with her daughter and I remembered them because they were a bit foul mouthed. We had established some form of contact (smile and when the train jerked and I jerked with the train) and I thought I should pass them both a tract. But I didn't - I was too scared of them swearing at me. As I got off, I regretted it and asked God to help me so I wouldn't do that again. And strange enough, I prayed that I would see them again. So you can imagine that I was quite shocked when I found her sitting to me again (especially as this wasn't the usual time I caught trains).

So today, I prayed that I would be able to give her a tract. We had swapped smiles but that was it. I took the tract out of my handbag and held it hoping and praying for the opportunity. Then I thought I would begin to read and hoped that the pictures would catch her eye and that she would ask me what it was. So I read it VERY slowly and tried to angle the book so she could see it. And she did look at it quite often (I could see her out of the corner of my eye).
As the train approached Murdoch, she hadn't said anything regarding the tract so I prayed again and said to her: "I've just read this booklet and I found it to be really good. I thought you might like to have a read of it too." And she was VERY thankful and started opening it. So thank God for answering my prayer and that he gave me a second chance.@ 5:37pm on Wednesday 24/9/14 at Murdoch.  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sovereign Appointments with Perfect Timing

When you pray, God often will direct you to someone who needs to receive the Gospel. Perhaps someone who has been attending Church with their host family for the last month? 

After walking around the city looking for an opportunity to tract, and also praying for an opportunity to speak, I met a guy named Bond from Macau. He's a overseas student who stays with a homestay family who are Catholic. He's been following them to church for the past month. So I asked him about whether he knows if he'd go to heaven if he were to die today. He told me that he would because God did something for him. So, I shared with him the gospel, and how Jesus is the only way to heaven, and how all our 'good works' are as filthy rags in God's sight. And also told him about what he needs to do in order to have assurance. Thank God for the opportunity to speak to him.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Your Love for God Encourages Others

Here's a testimony that reminds us that Christians who love the lost will often be used by God to encourage other Christians in their efforts to love the lost and follow after Christ.

@ 5:30pm today at Barrack Street, in the Perth City...

Feeling tired from university I have decided to call it a day for tracting, as I have given out 2 tracts in the morning. When I was in the city, I bumped into one of my church friend who is doing the Sept 30 in 30 and i noticed the tracts in his hand. He said he just got off work and decided to drop by the in the city to do tracting. After talking to him, I went up the stairs of the overhead bridge to catch the train. Walking past the overhead bridge there sat a girl who was asking for money. I walked past her, and I thought this could be an opportunity to talk to the girl. (Recalling that my friend that I just saw was tracting too, so it encouraged me to do so). I turned back, took out a tract and talked to the girl. I was able to share the gospel with her, got to find out she used to be a Christian but quite uncertain that she truly believes in Jesus Christ. She mentioned she is getting there. She also told me her situation and why she is asking for money at the bridge. However, she thanked me for the tract and said she will read it. Really thank God for this opportunity to reach out to Seven. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10  Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Focus on Eternal Destinies Than Temporal Gains

When we became a Christian, we were so grateful for what God had done by sending Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sins. We were thrilled that our past is redeemed and our eternal future is secure. It is important for us to remember what is more important, our temporal gains or the eternal destiny of those around us? Here's one of the testimonies from one of our 30in30 participants after they gave out tracts while awaiting the results of a competition that they participated in. 

"In conclusion, although I didn't get a placing (to my sister's outrage), the whole thing was a great success because through this competition God in His grace provided the opportunity to give out 25 tracts which I would not have imagined could be done as I wrote out the stack.
So no matter how I scored when I played my best and "lost", the real battle was won when through this event God opened 25 doors.
Praise God through Whom all blessings flow, for it is solely His Spirit's work.
Soli Deo Gloria!"

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Second Knock is Often Louder

Thank God for the Evangelism Cafe that we had on Friday. During the evangelism training session, we talked about how sometimes God will arrange for a person to get the same gospel tract many years later to make them take notice. On Friday we had two records from your log books of that happening and then another two more the very next day.

1 - "I asked him did he ever received one from me before,I remembered I certainly did gave him one if he is my regular client,he told me he think he got one from James st where we used to about 6 years ago.But he did not really read it closely to the tract I gave him,so he say he would like to have another one to read again" - 5:40pm in Northbridge on Friday 5/9/14

2 - "...A 1st year student in Curtin University, I think he’s doing Accounting and Finance. I met him today in Bull Creek station. I first met him was when we were invited to one of our friend’s birthday party.
Managed to make through a crowd of people in the train before I miss the Bull Creek station.
Checked my bus’ timetable, my bus comes at 6.42pm. Nothing to do, so I tend to walk till 6.40pm. In the meantime, Stephen approached me.
He had been working in the city today and got on the same train as I did, I didn’t see him until in Bull Creek Station. He told me he was attending Mt Pleasant Baptist Church’s Youth group at 7pm. Someone else was picking him up at Bull Creek Station. At the mean time while we’re waiting, I pulled out the gospel tract to him. He was really surprised, and asked me, “How did you have it?” Before I could answer him, he said, “I have read this tract before….. It was like 6 years ago when I was about 11 years old!” Then I explained that I’m from BP church and also told him to keep it to read as well.  Later, He got picked up and I went to the bus stand to wait for my bus." 6:38pm at Bull Creek Train Station on Friday 5/9/14

3 - "Wanting to give this sales assistant a gospel tract, but she has already received one.  She is R C , so pass the tract to her friend who is also a sales assistant at the bakers' delight " - 3:20pm at Baker's Delight Garden City on Saturday 6/9/14

4 - "Was going to give the last tract to Ariel, a Churchlands High school student who plays the viola, but she said that she had already got one.Seeing the puzzled look on my face she explained that she had gotten it from the violin concert.
It still didn't make sense, until she said that it was the one at Churchlands.[I had left a couple of tracts there a week ago]
Praise God that those few tracts left at the school were read and taken home." ~ 6:15pm in Maylands on Saturday 6/9/14

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two Christians Led to the Same Soul

It was getting quite late in the day (5:30 pm) and I still hadn't given out my tract today (I didn't take public transport). So I prayed that God would give me an opportunity to hand out my tract and a few minutes later, I went to go to an information session. On my way I saw my one of the saxophonists hanging around on the upper foyer couches ("dream target!!!" thought I). Said hi to him and asked him what he was doing.
"Nothing much. Just waiting for the concert (which I was going to as well)".
So I thought: "Great!!!! I can pass him a tract and he can read it whilst waiting for the concert!" 

As I reached into my handbag and was about to take out my tract, my eye spied something next to him. It was a "This Was Your Life" tract. I have no idea how I didn't see that before and I literally froze for two seconds (it really did seem like it popped there out of thin air as I was reaching into my handbag). So I asked him: "Who gave you that???"

And he mentioned the name of one of my fellow pianists (who had just given it to him and 'beat' me to it). I told him it was really good and asked him why don't he read it while he was waiting for the concert. He said he wasn't sure if he had enough time before the concert (it was almost 5:30 pm and the concert wasn't till 7:30 pm - so I was a bit confused). But then he said (and I thank God for this!): "I'll read it at home. I don't want to rush it because I want to take time and think about it." I really thanked God for working in his heart - even if it was an early stage - and I think the pianist who gave it to him would be very thankful to know that.

So that was the very exciting detour of my tract. Well, I still had my tract to give and I was almost late for my information session when God provided 'target number 2'. I bumped into Kim (one of the sopranos) and I hadn't seen her for ages so I said "Hi!" and "how are you?" (was hoping to start a small conversation instead of the typical quick 'hi/bye' kind of thing) but then she walked away (after answering my questions in a brief way). :(

And then she came back to ask me a question concerning our Tuesday History exam (deep inside I was SO thankful! So I could give her a tract after all!) and afterwards I gave her the tract. She said thanks and seemed pretty interested!

I'll be seeing her in class on Monday so praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel with her. But yes! That was one interesting tract! Really thank God for the opportunities!

Some Gospel Opportunities Come to You

Actually been struggling to give out tracts these few days as I'm 'stuck' at home rushing my assignment. I was praying this morning to prepare my heart to give out at least 5 tracts tomorrow as I will be going out to work. I really thank God that there are three people who knocked at my door to ask for charity donation and ask me to join their company's lucky draw. A guy who's name is Alex, asked me to join their company's lucky draw was very keen and excited to receive the tract and told me that he will definitely read it. Please pray for a receptive heart and his salvation.
I'm very amazed how God can work and give me the opportunity to give out tracts even though I'm staying at home. @ 5:10pm today.

Friendly Faces Open Gospel Opportunities

1pm @ Coles Garden City today - "I walked passed a few cashiers, they were all taken up. Except for one which was free but I intentionally walked pass following the Holy Spirit's prompting to give this tract to the particular Chinese lady at the self serve check out. So I went to the self serve stations. 

I have been talking to this Chinese lady everytime I see her at the Coles self serve check out cashiers. I said hi again (this time) and she said hi back but said that many people asked her if she remembered them, and she often said no. Just a few days ago when I saw her, I had a slight issue with the bar code of the golden kiwi that I was purchasing. She sorted that out for me. So today, I said to her, "golden kiwi" bar code problem? Do you remember that, she said... yes...then I saw the opportunity. 

I told her actually I wanted to give her a tract for a while. "You better have it", I said to her with urgency. The window of opportunity to speak was less than a minute as people were calling out for her help from few other check out points. I thank God for the opportunity to talk to her though short. (She told me that she used to go to a Charismatic church but she found it too overcrowded and stopped going to church. I invited her to our Church. Pointed the address of our Church at the back of the tract and I had to leave as the person next in queue was waiting to use the station)."

Seems like today was the day for friendly faces. Here is another testimony from someone else that also occurred today, three hours earlier

10am @ Alexander Drive Bus Stop in Mt Lawley - "I took Bus 19 today instead of the usual 885-889 bus and God certainly gave me opportunities on that bus! At North Perth Plaza (where Coles and other little shops are), an elderly lady came on and though we didn't manage to talk, we swapped a lot of smiles during that bus ride. I was planning to just give a tract to the bus driver but gave one to the lady as well. Took it and said thank you. Smiles do go a long way sometimes!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tract for a "Tract" - An Answer to Prayer

Looking back, I am still amazed at how the Lord worked this morning!

As I was walking to the Roe Street Bus Station (from Perth Underground Train Station), I was praying in my heart that God would provide an opportunity to give a tract since I knew I had missed my bus and had to wait another 10 minutes. AND...!!! Literally two seconds after I had prayed, I looked up and saw this elderly lady giving out some leaflets or booklets. What a God-sent opportunity! So I kind of walked towards her (without seeming too eager) and as I had hoped, she saw me and passed me one of the booklets (I saw it was the JW Watchtower magazine). 

"Wait!" I said, "I've got something for you too!" (she was looking quite bewildered). And so I gave her my tract and took her Watchtower magazine (by now she was looking thoroughly bewildered and surprised). She didn't say much but she did look at it and the fact that she took it and the fact that it was an answer (and such a quick answer) to prayer - how wonderful and powerful is our God! My only regret is that I didn't stop to talk to her more about it - and I did have the time to do so.

Pray that she will read it and come to know Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Sometimes it Takes More Than One Christian

A customer from Thailand,came in today to buy a gift voucher for her friends birthday,it happened I was also in the salon that time ,I went over to the counter on purpose to give out a tract to her,before I went to the salon I was praying that I can at least gave out one tract today.While she paid for the gift voucher,I just asked her where she is from. This I asked if I can I give her this? She asked what is this? I told her it was a gospel tract from our church. 

She took it with a friendly smile and said a few days ago someone else gave her a Bible from another church! I told her that maybe God is calling her to believe in our Lord.I asked her to read the tract. Thank God she was quite receptive and did put away the tract in her bag. Pray that God will help her to truly understand the truth from that little tract.

Friendly or not, they're souls in the end

She didn't come across as a very friendly bus driver (I think she was having a bad day) and the bus ride was, shall we say, a "bit" rough (some people on the bus were a bit mad and were mumbling about how glad they were about to get off). So... I was a bit apprehensive about giving the tract to her - I really wanted to but I was seriously thinking of changing my mind (she looked and seemed like the type who would swear and rant at me). I know this sounds silly but for me I was a bit afraid of that, so I prayed that God would help me be bold for Him and to prepare her heart and guess what! I said thanks for the bus ride, handed her a tract and... she SMILED (a big smile too!) :D And she said: "Thank You!" - and funnily enough, she didn't seem as scary as before and she actually looked a lot happier.

So you never know how the Lord works - even with seemingly scary and cross bus drivers! Really thank the Lord for answering my prayer! It is indeed marvelous to see how the Lord works!