Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two Christians Led to the Same Soul

It was getting quite late in the day (5:30 pm) and I still hadn't given out my tract today (I didn't take public transport). So I prayed that God would give me an opportunity to hand out my tract and a few minutes later, I went to go to an information session. On my way I saw my one of the saxophonists hanging around on the upper foyer couches ("dream target!!!" thought I). Said hi to him and asked him what he was doing.
"Nothing much. Just waiting for the concert (which I was going to as well)".
So I thought: "Great!!!! I can pass him a tract and he can read it whilst waiting for the concert!" 

As I reached into my handbag and was about to take out my tract, my eye spied something next to him. It was a "This Was Your Life" tract. I have no idea how I didn't see that before and I literally froze for two seconds (it really did seem like it popped there out of thin air as I was reaching into my handbag). So I asked him: "Who gave you that???"

And he mentioned the name of one of my fellow pianists (who had just given it to him and 'beat' me to it). I told him it was really good and asked him why don't he read it while he was waiting for the concert. He said he wasn't sure if he had enough time before the concert (it was almost 5:30 pm and the concert wasn't till 7:30 pm - so I was a bit confused). But then he said (and I thank God for this!): "I'll read it at home. I don't want to rush it because I want to take time and think about it." I really thanked God for working in his heart - even if it was an early stage - and I think the pianist who gave it to him would be very thankful to know that.

So that was the very exciting detour of my tract. Well, I still had my tract to give and I was almost late for my information session when God provided 'target number 2'. I bumped into Kim (one of the sopranos) and I hadn't seen her for ages so I said "Hi!" and "how are you?" (was hoping to start a small conversation instead of the typical quick 'hi/bye' kind of thing) but then she walked away (after answering my questions in a brief way). :(

And then she came back to ask me a question concerning our Tuesday History exam (deep inside I was SO thankful! So I could give her a tract after all!) and afterwards I gave her the tract. She said thanks and seemed pretty interested!

I'll be seeing her in class on Monday so praying for an opportunity to share the Gospel with her. But yes! That was one interesting tract! Really thank God for the opportunities!

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