Monday, September 8, 2014

Focus on Eternal Destinies Than Temporal Gains

When we became a Christian, we were so grateful for what God had done by sending Jesus Christ to redeem us from our sins. We were thrilled that our past is redeemed and our eternal future is secure. It is important for us to remember what is more important, our temporal gains or the eternal destiny of those around us? Here's one of the testimonies from one of our 30in30 participants after they gave out tracts while awaiting the results of a competition that they participated in. 

"In conclusion, although I didn't get a placing (to my sister's outrage), the whole thing was a great success because through this competition God in His grace provided the opportunity to give out 25 tracts which I would not have imagined could be done as I wrote out the stack.
So no matter how I scored when I played my best and "lost", the real battle was won when through this event God opened 25 doors.
Praise God through Whom all blessings flow, for it is solely His Spirit's work.
Soli Deo Gloria!"

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